Govt Est. 2016Dehradun, Uttarakhand

The Doon Medical College, Dehradun, is a Government College established in the Year 2016. The College is affiliated to Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Uttarakhand Medical Education University, Dehradun, located in Uttarakhand and recognized by National Medical Commission (NMC) with an annual intake of 175 MBBS seats and 17 seats in 5 disciplines of Postgraduate studies.

The districts Uttarkashi, Tehri and Dehradun where access is only possible for Dehradun apart from this medical college will help to improve access to health services for common people of this state, Dehradun is the gateway of the whole Garhwal region of Uttarakhand and it drains patients from all the seven districts of the region, A government medical college in Dehradun will not only help the population in this region to access for quality health care in a subsidized pattern but will also help in quality medical health services for the tribal and backward population of the region.

The campus Spreads over lush Green area of 21.47 acres which houses main medical college building, teaching hospital, Doctors staff Quarters, Resident doctor hostel, Boys and Girls hostel, Playground and offer Supportive facilities. There are very good spacious gallery type Lecture halls in the college and in the hospital which accommodates 200 students. There are Examination halls & Demonstration rooms. The Institute is fully equipped with clinical Laboratories, Departmental Museums and Auditorium. Library and information center is located in a huge area with good collection of Medical Books, Indian & Foreign Journals with separate reading space for students & Teaching Staff and a Digital Library. There are facilities for Indoor and Outdoor Games and Sports with volleyball and badminton facilities.

The Teaching Hospital

It is attached to a 504 bedded tertiary care hospital with 24X7 emergency and trauma care facility, Eye bank and blood bank facilities are available. There are very good clinical and diagnostic facilities in the Hospital. There are huge number of OPD's and In-Patient flow everyday. There are well equipped Operation Theatres and exclusive ICU's to cater to critical patients. The Hospital has facilities for burn treatment, Critical care services, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy. The Hospital has facilities for burn treatment, Critical care services, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy. The Hospital's general specialities include General Medicine, General Surgery, OBG, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Radiodiagnosis, ENT, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesiology, Pathology, Microbiology, Biochemistry & Forensic Medicine.

Number of Seats in Post-Graduation

Contact Details:

Address: Doon medical College, Dehrakhas, Patel Nagar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001
Phone: 0135-2726020, 2726021
E Mail ID: [email protected]

Doon Medical College, Dehradun, NEETPG Counseling is Conducted by 1) MCC (Medical Counselling Committee)( Open To All )and 2) Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Uttarakhand Medical Education University Uttarakhand (State Domicile)

AIQ (Medical Counselling Committee(MCC) )SQ Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Uttarakhand Medical Education University Uttarakhand,(HNBUMU)

1) MCC(Medical Counselling Committee) COUNSELING PROCESS:-

The MCC/DGHS conducts Counseling for allotment of Post Graduate (MD/MS/Diploma and MDS) seats to the NEETPG/MDS eligible and qualified candidates in participating Government Medical/Dental Colleges of the country under 50% All India Quota and 100% Central & Deemed University quota every year. All the candidates who have qualified for All India Quota seats on the basis of their rank in NEET PG /MDS conducted by NBE including candidates from Union Territory of J&K will be eligible. The role of MCC of DGHS is limited to allotment of seats to the participating candidates, as per their merit and choice, which starts only after receiving the list/data/Information of successful candidates from National Board of Examinations (NBE) i.e. the NEET (PG) examination conducting body

Candidates who fall under the category of NRI as per the directions/ orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the case (W.P. No. 689/2017- Consortium of Deemed Universities in Karnataka (CODEUNIK) & Anr. Vs. Union of India &Ors.) dated 22-08- 2017 are eligible for NRI Category seats. OCI/PIO/Foreign Nationals will be eligible for only NRI seats .The eligible Indian National Candidates wanting to get converted to sponsored NRI category have to submit the documents as and when the same are called for by the MCC.

Seat Matrix:-

Management(%) NRI(%)

Eligibility Condition:

  • The candidate should have qualified under NEET-PG eligibility.
  • Domicile-free Counseling (Open to all)

Step Wise Counseling Process conducted by MCC

There are multiple rounds of counselling i.e. Round 1, Round 2, Round 3 & Stray Vacancy Round. ALL four rounds of AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB, are conducted by MCC through ONLINE ONLY i.e., Round 1, Round 2 , Round 3, and Stray Vacancy round. In the YEAR 2022–23 (Round 3) was called the Mop-Up round, where there was no sliding (upgradation) from the 2nd round to the mop-up round, but in 2023–2024, there was an upgradation from ROUND 2 to Round 3. In 2023-2024 Stray Vacancy Round was ONLINE, but in 2022-23 Stray Vacancy Round is conducted physically by the Deemed Universities for which the list of registered & eligible Candidates is forwarded by MCC to the respective Deemed Universities. The allotment shall only be in terms of merit. As per the directions issued by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in SLA(C) No. 10487 of 2021, the AIQ scheme has been modified and 04 rounds of AIQ counselling will be conducted by MCC of DGHS, MoHFW. Hence, 3rd round (earlier mop-up round) and fourth round i.e. stray vacancy round will be conducted in AIQ from 2021-22 onwards.

RoundsTypes of Counselling
Round 1- (By MCC)AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB
Round 2- (By MCC)AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB
Round 3- (By MCC)AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB
Stray Vacancy Round- - By MCC for AIQ, Central University/Institutes , DNBAIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB
Special Stray Vacancy Round -Online - By respective Deemed UniversityAIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB

First Round:- (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-AIQ, Deemed, CU, DU, Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix display
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download the allotment letter
  • Options for an allotted candidate
  1. “Satisfied with the allotted seat and candidate is willing to report to the allotted college, not interested in further allotment of seats in any subsequent round for any discipline”.
  2. The candidate is satisfied with the allotted seat but wishes to participate in the next round. Such candidates should pay the prescribed fees
  3. The candidate is not satisfied with the present allotment and wishes to participate in the next round of counselling. The previously allotted seat is forfeited and offered to the next eligible candidate
  4. Not satisfied with MCC allotted seat and candidate has got seat elsewhere, so candidate is quitting and not to be considered for allotment of seats in any of the further rounds

2nd Round :- (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB)

Fresh Registration for Mop-up Round (not required for earlier resigned candidates)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-AIQ, Deemed, CU, DU, Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix display
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download the allotment letter
  • If Allotted (No Free Exit) (Exit With Forfeiture of Fees )( Upgradation is available For Round 3 only.)
  • Reporting at the Medical Institutions/university against 2nd Round (candidates once joined the allotted seat against 2nd Round are not allowed to vacate the seat)

3rd Round :- (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB)
Fresh Registration for Mop-up Round (not required for earlier resigned candidates)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-Deemed, CU, DU, Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download allotment letter
  • If Allotted (No Free Exit)(Exit With Forfeiture Of Fees )
  • Reporting To The College

Stray vacancy: (AIQ, Central University/Institutes, DNB)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-Deemed, CU, DU, Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download allotment letter
  • If Allotted (No Free Exit)(Exit With Forfeiture Of Fees )
  • Reporting To The College

Special Stray vacancies:- (DEEMED)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-Deemed, CU, DU, Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download allotment letter
  • If Allotted (No Free Exit)(Exit With Forfeiture Of Fees )
  • Reporting To The College

2) Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Uttarakhand Medical Education University Uttarakhand NEET P.G. Uttarakhand State Centralized Counselling

  • M.D/M.S/M.D.S. Courses in Government/Private Medical/Dental Colleges/Private Universities of Uttarakhand against State quota seats.
  • M.D/M.S/M.D.S. Courses in Private Medical/Dental Colleges/Private Universities of Uttarakhand against All India-Management quota seats.
  • Fundamentals of Abdomino- Pelvic Ultrasonography (FAPUS)—Level I for MBBS Doctors- 06 months course.

Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Uttarakhand Medical Education University Uttarakhand conducts the combined (Government and Private) admissions for Uttarakhand PG medical. In order to participate in the admission process, it is necessary to fill the Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Uttarakhand Medical Education University Uttarakhand medical application form in the online mode

RoundFree ExitExit with forfeiture of feesIneligible for Further counselingAmount of registration fee
State Quota IYes
State Quota II If not If joined Government – Rs. 25,000 (half for SC/ST/OBC) Private – Rs. 2,00,000
State Quota Mop-up If joined
  • Free exit for 1st Round means if a candidate allotted a seat in 1st Round and even if candidate does not report/join the allotted college he would not be penalized and eligible for subsequent rounds.
  • Exit with forfeiture means if a candidate allotted a seat in 2nd round of counselling and does not want to join the allotted seat he can still exit with forfeiture (losing security amount deposited) and once candidate joined the allotted seat would not be eligible for resigning/surrender of joined seat
  • Candidates who have been allotted seat in round I of counseling can opt for seat up gradation in round II of counseling only.
  • If a candidate has upgraded in the round II the seat allotted in round I gets automatically cancelled and allotted to next eligible candidate in merit. Candidates are advised to select choices carefully.
  • Candidates have to fill new/fresh choices in each round of counseling to become eligible for seat allotment in that particular round.
  • Candidate can give as many choices as he/she wishes during online choice filling. However choices should be in order of candidate’s preference & eligibility.
  • Candidates are advised to select the choices very carefully. If candidate is not interested in any specific Quota/College/Course, it is advised not to opt for that specific Quota/College/Course seat in choice filling process as allotment once done will not be altered. University/ Counselling Board will not be responsible for any mistake done at the part of the candidate.
  • Candidate has to fill up the fresh choices/quota for each subsequent rounds of counselling separately irrespective of previous choices/quota.
  • No Candidate will be permitted to vacate his/her admitted /joined seat in second and further round of counseling.


Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Uttarakhand Medical Education University Uttarakhand is conducting three rounds of Counseling for NEET PG



  • Uttarakhand state merit, NEET-PG
  • College wise & category wise distribution of P.G. seats
  • On-line Admission Process for allotted candidates
  • Reporting
  • List of registered candidates for online counseling.( Online counselling registration Fee is Rs. 4000/- (will be valid only for two round (I & II ) of counselling for all categories.)
  • Choice filling

ROUND -2 (Online)

  • Notice-2nd round of counseling, PG courses
  • Latest vacancy position of PG seats in medical colleges
  • Fresh Registration (who have not done in Round 1)
  • Choice filling
  • Allotment of seat
  • Provisional list of selected candidates for NEET PG-counseling in the state of UP after Round-2
  • Reporting

MOP-UP ROUND (Offline)

  • Notice-Mop-Up round of counseling for PG courses
  • Latest vacancy position of PG seats in Medical colleges
  • Fresh Registration for the one not registered in Round 1 & 2
  • Mop-up counseling for seat allotment / admission will be held offline

Doon Medical College, Dehradun, MCC ALLOTMENT PDF LINKS FOR THE YEAR 2023-24:

Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2023-24 Round 1 PDF CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2023-24 Round 2 PDF CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2023-24 Round 3 PDF CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2023-24 Stray Vacancy Round PDF CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2023-24 Special Stray Vacancy Round PDF CLICK HERE

seat matrix 2022-23: AIQ

ProgramOpenOpen PwDGeneral- EWSGeneral- EWS PwDOBCOBC PwDSCSC PwDSTST PwDTotal Seats
M.D. (GENERAL MEDICINE)10000000001
M.D. (MICROBIOLOGY)00000000011
MS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)00100000001
M.D. (PATHOLOGY)00000010001
M.D. (PHARMACOLOGY)10001000002
M.D. (PHYSIOLOGY)20001000003
M.S. (E.N.T.)00001000001
M.S. (GENERAL SURGERY)00001001002
M.S. (OPHTHALMOLOGY)00001000001
M.S. (ORTHOPAEDICS)20000000002
MD/MS (Anatomy)00001010002

Doon Medical College, Dehradun ,MCC CUT OFF 2022-23:-

MCC R1 AIQ CUT-OFF 2022-23
36741M.D. (PHARMACOLOGY)15858M.S. (E.N.T.)
67693M.D. (PHYSIOLOGY)105281MD/MS (Anatomy)
62103M.D. (COMMUNITY MEDICINE)9497MS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
105221MD/MS (Anatomy)20585M.D. (ANAESTHESIOLOGY)
Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2022 Round 1 PDF CLICK HERE
MCC R2 AIQ CUT-OFF 2022-23
60274M.D. (PHARMACOLOGY)101453MD/MS (Anatomy)
SC10766MS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
69088M.D. (COMMUNITY MEDICINE)Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2022 Round 2 PDF CLICK HERE
112499M.D. (PHYSIOLOGY)124730MD/MS (Anatomy)
10800MS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)SC
Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2022 MOP UP Round PDF CLICK HERE144541MD/MS (Anatomy)

Note: The Admission Process is written as per the ordinance of the official Counselling Agency.

S. No.Fee HeadAmount in Rs.(Without Bond)


Admission Fee6,000/-
Tuition Fee5,000,00/-
Hostel Fee12,000/-
Caution Money10,000/-
Development Fee Sports10,000/-

Note: The Fee Structure is as per the Notification of the official Counselling Agency, Please visit the official website in subject to any changes.


Dehrakhas, Patel Nagar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Dehradun, Uttarakhand - 248001

phone: 0135-2726020, 2726021

email: [email protected]



Note: The apply-now form facilitates students (from pan India- rural, urban, and distant corners) to apply to various colleges, automatically forwarding their details to the respective institutions via email. ICCC is not liable for any responses from the colleges.

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