Pb. Govt. Dental College & Hospital

Govt Est. 1952Amritsar, Punjab

Govt. Dental college and hospital

Punjab Govt. Dental college and hospital, Amritsar was established in the year 1952. This is a premier institution of Govt. of Punjab situated in the holy city of Amritsar. The College is affiliated to Baba Farid University of Health Sciences with an annual intake of 40 seats. This college has an annual intake of 40 students in the BDS course and 18 students in the MDS course in five specialties. Separate hostel facility is available for boys and girls. Dental health services at tertiary level are being provided to the people of local and adjoining areas.24 hours emergency services are available. The Library is located in the main college campus. It subscribes to foreign as well as Indian journals and has a rich archive of old books and thesis

MDS Program List: Govt. Dental college and hospital, Amritsar

MDS Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge 3
MDSPediatric and Preventive Dentistry6
MDSOral and Maxillofacial Surgery3
MDSConservative Dentistry & Endodontics3

Contact Details:

Address:Majitha Road, SSSS Chowk, Amritsar, Punjab 143001.India
Email: [email protected] | [email protected]

Govt. Dental college and hospital, Amritsar MDS (Master Degrees in Dental Sciences ) Counseling is conducted by 1) MCC (Medical Counselling Committee)( Open To All )and 2) Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot (State Domicile)

AIQ (Medical Counselling Committee(MCC) )SQ Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot

1 ) MCC (Medical Counselling Committee)(50%) (Open To All)

The MCC (Medical Counselling Committee)/DGHS conducts Counseling for allotment of Post Graduate (MD/MS/Diploma and MDS) seats to the NEETPG/MDS eligible and qualified candidates in participating Government Medical/Dental Colleges of the country under 50% All India Quota and 100% Central & Deemed University quota every year. All the candidates who have qualified for All India Quota seats on the basis of their rank in NEET PG /MDS conducted by NBE including candidates from Union Territory of J&K will be eligible. The role of MCC (Medical Counselling Committee) of DGHS is limited to allotment of seats to the participating candidates, as per their merit and choice, which starts only after receiving the list/data/Information of successful candidates from National Board of Examinations (NBE) i.e. the NEET (MDS) examination conducting body

There will be four rounds of AIQ counseling i.e. Round 1, Round 2, AIQ Mop-up Rounds and AIQ Stray Vacancy Round (SLA(C) No. 10487 of 2021 before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India). All candidates who have qualified for All India Quota seats on the basis of their rank in NEET MDS conducted by the National Board of Examination (NBE) will be eligible for participation in the counselling process. Eligible candidates may download the Rank letter/ Result from NBE website

Seat Matrix:-

Management(%) NRI(%)

Eligibility Condition:

  • The candidate should have qualified under NEET-MDS eligibility.
  • Domicile-free Counseling (Open to all)

Step Wise Counseling Process conducted by MCC

There are multiple rounds of counselling i.e. Round 1, Round 2, Round 3 & Stray Vacancy Round. ALL four rounds of AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB, are conducted by MCC through ONLINE ONLY i.e., Round 1, Round 2 , Round 3, and Stray Vacancy round. In the YEAR 2022–23 (Round 3) was called the Mop-Up round, where there was no sliding (upgradation) from the 2nd round to the mop-up round, but in 2023–2024, there was an upgradation from ROUND 2 to Round 3. In 2023-2024 Stray Vacancy Round was ONLINE, but in 2022-23 Stray Vacancy Round is conducted physically by the Deemed Universities for which the list of registered & eligible Candidates is forwarded by MCC to the respective Deemed Universities. The allotment shall only be in terms of merit. As per the directions issued by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in SLA(C) No. 10487 of 2021, the AIQ scheme has been modified and 04 rounds of AIQ counselling will be conducted by MCC of DGHS, MoHFW. Hence, 3rd round (earlier mop-up round) and fourth round i.e. stray vacancy round will be conducted in AIQ from 2021-22 onwards.

RoundsTypes of Counselling
Round 1- (By MCC)AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB
Round 2- (By MCC)AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB
Round 3- (By MCC)AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB
Stray Vacancy Round- - By MCC for AIQ, Central University/Institutes , DNBAIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB
Special Stray Vacancy Round -Online - By respective Deemed UniversityAIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB

First Round:- (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-AIQ, Deemed, CU, DU, Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix display
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download the allotment letter
  • Options for an allotted candidate
  1. “Satisfied with the allotted seat and candidate is willing to report to the allotted college, not interested in further allotment of seats in any subsequent round for any discipline”.
  2. The candidate is satisfied with the allotted seat but wishes to participate in the next round. Such candidates should pay the prescribed fees
  3. The candidate is not satisfied with the present allotment and wishes to participate in the next round of counselling. The previously allotted seat is forfeited and offered to the next eligible candidate
  4. Not satisfied with MCC allotted seat and candidate has got seat elsewhere, so candidate is quitting and not to be considered for allotment of seats in any of the further rounds

2nd Round :- (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB)

Fresh Registration for Mop-up Round (not required for earlier resigned candidates)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-AIQ, Deemed, CU, DU, Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix display
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download the allotment letter
  • If Allotted (No Free Exit) (Exit With Forfeiture of Fees )( Upgradation is available For Round 3 only.)
  • Reporting at the Medical Institutions/university against 2nd Round (candidates once joined the allotted seat against 2nd Round are not allowed to vacate the seat)

3rd Round :- (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB)
Fresh Registration for Mop-up Round (not required for earlier resigned candidates)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-Deemed, CU, DU, Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download allotment letter
  • If Allotted (No Free Exit)(Exit With Forfeiture Of Fees )
  • Reporting To The College

Stray vacancy: (AIQ, Central University/Institutes, DNB)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-Deemed, CU, DU, Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download allotment letter
  • If Allotted (No Free Exit)(Exit With Forfeiture Of Fees )
  • Reporting To The College

Special Stray vacancies:- (DEEMED)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-Deemed, CU, DU, Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download allotment letter
  • If Allotted (No Free Exit)(Exit With Forfeiture Of Fees )
  • Reporting To The College

SEAT MATRIX 2023-24 :-MCC (Medical Counselling Committee)

All India Quota Seats Matrix NEET-MDS 2023 COUNSELING PDF CLICK HERE
Internal Quota Seats Matrix NEET-MDS PG 2023 COUNSELING PDF CLICK HERE

CUT OFF 2023-24 :- MCC (Medical Counselling Committee)

Provisional NEET-MDS Counselling Seats Allotment -2023 Round 1 PDF CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-MDS Counselling Seats Allotment -2023 Round 2 PDF CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-MDS Counselling Seats Allotment -2023 Round 3 PDF CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-MDS Counselling Seats Allotment -2023 Stray Vacancy Round PDF CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-MDS Counselling Seats Allotment -2023 Special Stray Vacancy Round PDF CLICK HERE

2) Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot (State Domicile) (50%)

Counseling / Admissions shall be conducted by the Admission Committee constituted by the Punjab Government for this purpose. Online Application/Registration for admission to PG Medical/Dental, PGDSM and six months training in Ultrasonography courses is to be undertaken online at the University website www.bfuhs.ac.in.There will be four rounds of counseling i.e. Round 1, Round 2, Mop-up Rounds and Stray Vacancy Round. All candidates who have qualified for All India Quota seats on the basis of their rank in NEET MDS conducted by the National Board of Examination (NBE) will be eligible for participation in the counselling process.

Application Fee:

Admission Application Fee of Rs. 5900 (Rs.2950 for SC candidates) including GST will be deposited through online payment gateway only.
Only those Admission Application Forms will be considered for counseling, fee for which has been deposited by due date/time.

Instructions for NRI Candidates :- Candidates who seeks to apply under NRI quota seats, have to obtain provisional Eligibility/equivalency certificate from the BFUHS,

Faridkot and will have to apply on prescribed format available on university website alongwith prescribed fee for NRI seats.

Flow Chart Of Online Counselling:-

Online Registration/Submission of Application Forms
Online submission of application fee through University payment gateway
Display of Category Wise Provisional Merit List on University website
Online Submission of preferences course/specialty/college
Provisional allotment of seat
Reporting to the allotted college for verification of original document and eligibility followed by Medical Examination
Deposition of Tuition Fee through Online Payment Gateway on University website
If found eligible, Principal shall allow to join

A) Submission Of Online Application Form

Candidates will have to log on University website i.e. www.bfuhs.ac.in and read the Punjab Govt. notification and instructions as contained in the Prospectus carefully.
Candidates who qualifies NEET-PG-2022 are eligible to apply ONLINE for admission to Post Graduate Courses including Post Graduate Diploma Courses and six month training in Ultrasonography.

Following documents are required to upload on the online registration form

  • Soft copy of Photograph of the candidate. (Maximum size 30 KB) II.
  • Soft copy of the signatures of the candidate. (Maximum Size 30 KB)

Specifications for Photograph:–

  1. A colour photograph of minimum 35x45 mm with at least 75% coverage of face & head of the candidate
  2. A caption indicating name of candidate and date of taking photograph should be there at the bottom of photo.
  3. Photograph should be taken in a white /very light colored background.
  4. Photograph should not have cap or goggles. Spectacles are allowed if being used regularly. POLAROID and COMPUTER generated photos are not acceptable.
  5. The photograph needs to display full front view of the face. Please look directly into the camera with a neutral expression.
  6. Please avoid photograph with reflection or shadow on the face with red eyes.
  7. The photograph needs to be printed on a high quality paper with at least 600 dpi resolutions.
  8. The colours must possess the natural appearance and skin tone.
  9. The photograph must not have kinks, scratches and stains.

Note: Applications not complying with these instructions or with unclear photographs are liable to be rejected.

After completion of filling online admission application form, University will issue a unique Registration ID (i.e Login ID) and password will be provided to the candidate at his/her registered Mobile number in admission application form through SMS/ email. Registration Number and password are mandatory for further process, so keep it secret and don’t disclose to any unknown person.
Candidate has to deposit the application fee through online University payment gateway.
Candidate shall retain the Admission Application Form till the completion of admission process.
*Incomplete application forms shall not be considered and are liable to be rejected. The fee shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
  • Candidates will have to deposit the application fee through online University payment gateway.
  • Fee shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
Fill category carefully in the online Admission Application Form. Category once claimed will not be changed in any case after submitting the form.
The University shall display the State Merit List (of registered candidates) on the University website. After displaying the state merit list of registered candidates, the University shall open the online portal for choice filling. Online counselling will be held through website

b) Steps For 1st Round Of Online Counseling.



The online allotment made will be deemed provisional to be confirmed subject to verification of documents at the time of physical joining in the allotted college.

The Provisional seat will be allotted to the candidate as per merit list and speciality /college for preferences/choices filled by the candidate

After provisional allocation of seat, candidate shall have to report to the allocated college within stipulated time for verification of documents and checking of eligibility by the Principal of concerned Colleges. It is sole responsibility of the Principal to authenticate the eligibility of the provisionally allocated candidate before joining.


-The candidates are required to deposit the tuition fee through online University payment gateway only and then report to the respective allotted college for verification of original documents/credentials. The candidate must submit proof of fee remittance to the Principal of concerned College. If the selected candidate is found eligible as per instructions mentioned in Punjab Govt. Notification no. 3.M.E.3-PB- 2022/13845 dated 17.06.2022, candidate will be allowed to submit his/her joining report after medical checkup.

-The selected candidates shall report to the provisional allocated college for checking of eligibility and document verification along with the following documents

  • Candidates allotted seat must carry one of the identification proofs (ID Proof) to the allotted college at the time of admission (as mentioned in the information Bulletin published by the National Board of Examinations (NBE) for AIPGMEE/AIPGDEE i.e. PAN Card, Driving License, Voter ID, Passport or Aadhar Card.)
  • Receipt of deposition of six month fee
  • Admit card issued by NBE
  • Result/Rank Latter issued by NBE.
  • High School/Higher Secondary Certificate/Birth Certificate as proof of date of Birth.
  • Mark Sheets of BDS 1st, 2nd & 3rd Professional Examinations
  • Internship Completion Certificate/Certificate from the Head of Institution.
  • Permanent / provisional Registration Certificate issued by NMC /State Medical Council
  • In service candidates will produce NOC & Eligibility certificate from the competent authority.
  • The Candidate should also bring/ upload the following certificate if applicable. -SC/EWS/BC/PWD

-Verification of Documents of candidates applied under Christian and Sikh Minority Quota.-

The candidate applied under minority quota will report to the respective minority institutions as per schedule. Verification of eligibility under Sikh Minority Quota and Christian Minority Quota is made compulsory to participate in the online process of counselling. Only those minority candidates will be allowed to participate/ exercise their choices in counselling, the name of which will be forwarded to the University by the Principals of respective minority institute i.e. Sri Guru Ram Dass Institute of Medical Colleges, Amritsar and Christian Medical College, Ludhiana for PG Medical seats, after verification of the Minority status as per rules and regulations


The provisionally selected candidates are required to deposit the requisite six months fee through university payment gateway in university account after logging into their login ID account and carry the payment receipt to the respective allotted institute.

C) Steps For 2nd Round Of Online Counseling.


The process for inviting willingness to participate in the 2nd round of online PG counselling shall be commenced before start of 2nd round. Only those candidates will be considered for 2nd round who will submit willingness by depositing requisite security amount for participation. The candidates to whom seats are allotted in the 1st round of counseling will also submit the willingness to participate in the 2nd round of online counselling, however, the fee deposited by them will be adjusted and they will have to pay the remaining amount of security deposit. Those who have already paid more than Rs. 200,000/- need not to pay security deposit again. The consent is mandatory to participate in 2nd round.

The amount of Security to be deposited for submitting willingness will be as under :

(i) For Government colleges - Rs. 25,000/- (half for SC/BC)

(ii) For Private Colleges – Rs. 2,00,000/-


1.Candidate has to deposit security amount through online University payment gateway as per Punjab Government notification.

2. Candidate’s who will not opt/forgo the seats in first counseling or have not attended the 1st counseling but are registered with the BFUHS, shall still be eligible for 2nd round of counseling of State of Punjab.

3. Candidate’s who will surrender the seat in writing after joining in 1st round of online counseling within stipulated period and who will not participate in any subsequent rounds, their fee will be refunded without any penalty.

4. Candidate to whom seat is allotted during 2nd round but they do not join/surrender the seat, penalty shall be imposed. Terms and conditions regarding penalty/forfeiture

of security deposit shall be followed strictly as per Gazettee of India notification no.144 dated 05.04.2018.

SEAT MATRIX OF Govt. Dental college and hospital, Amritsar FOR THE YEAR 2022-2023

Government Dental College, Amritsar
All India
Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics 21110001
Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge32110000
Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry31211000
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery31211000
Medical Counselling Committee AIQ Seats Matrix (MDS) PG 2022 Counselling CLICK HERE

CUT OFF 2022-23:- Govt. Dental college and hospital, Amritsar FOR THE YEAR 2022-2023

NEET PG- 2022 scoreNEET PG RankAllotted Specility Alloted Category/Quota
684199Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryBF-GC-State Quota-IP
679235Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics BF-GC-State Quota-IP
673282Conservative Dentistry & EndodonticsBF-GC-State Quota-EWS
658395Prosthodontics and Crown & BridgeBF-GC-State Quota-IP
658396Pediatric and Preventive DentistryBF-GC-State Quota-IP
650462PeriodontologyBF-GC-State Quota-IP
610926PeriodontologyBF-GC-State Quota-EWS
5821412Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryBF-GC-State Quota-SC
5382222Pediatric and Preventive DentistryBF-GC-State Quota-SC

MCC CUT OFF 2022-23:-Medical Counselling Committee For The Year 2022-2023:

Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics Open135
Prosthodontics and Crown & BridgeOpen150
Pediatric and Preventive DentistryOBC263
Prosthodontics and Crown & BridgeEWS288
Oral and Maxillofacial SurgerySC608
MDS 1ST Round 2022-23 Cut-off E-BOOK Medical Counselling Committee CLICK HERE
Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics Open152
Prosthodontics and Crown & BridgeOpen226
Prosthodontics and Crown & BridgeEWS294
Pediatric and Preventive DentistryOBC307
Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics Open320
Prosthodontics and Crown & BridgeOpen386
Prosthodontics and Crown & BridgeEWS392
Pediatric and Preventive DentistryOBC491
MDS 2ND Round 2022-23 Cut-off E-BOOK Medical Counselling Committee CLICK HERE
MDS MOP UP Round 2022-23 Cut-off E-BOOK Medical Counselling Committee CLICK HERE

Note: The Admission Process is written as per the ordinance of the official Counselling Agency.

Stipend 1st Yr50800
Stipend 2nd Yr50800
Stipend 3rd yr50800

Note: The Fee Structure is as per the Notification of the official Counselling Agency, Please visit the official website in subject to any changes.


JVQM+GJW SSSS CHOWK, Majitha Rd, Sehaj Avenue, Amritsar, Punjab

Amritsar, Punjab - 143001

phone: +91-183-2223235

email: [email protected]

website: www.gdcamritsar.com


Note: The apply-now form facilitates students (from pan India- rural, urban, and distant corners) to apply to various colleges, automatically forwarding their details to the respective institutions via email. ICCC is not liable for any responses from the colleges.

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