Netaji Subhas National Instt. Of Sports Medicine, Patiala

Govt Est. 2000Patiala, Punjab

This Institute is popularly known as the “Mecca” of Indian Sports and has produced Coaches of high caliber and significantly contributed in rendering their expertise and assistance in the preparation of the national teams for various International competitions. Housed in the erstwhile Palace of Maharaja (King) of Patiala (Punjab), National Institute of Sports, which is now the Academic Wing of the Sports Authority of India was established by the Government of India on 7th May, 1961 with the objective of developing sports in the country on Scientific lines and to train the Coaches in different sports disciplines. The Institute was renamed as Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports (NSNIS) on 23rd January, 1973.

Sl.No.Course NameAnnual Intake (Seats)
1Diploma in Sports Medicine6

Contact Details:

Address: Sports Authoity of India, Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports, Old Moti Bagh, Patiala -147001 Punjab-INDIA
Phone No: 0175-2306171
Email:[email protected]

For admission to MD/MS/PG Diploma, DNB, Post Graduate Diploma in Sports Medicine and Six months training in Ultrasonography Courses By Baba Farid University of Health Sciences-Session - 2022

Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Punjab conducts the combined (Government and Private) MD/MS/PG Diploma/MDS/PGDSM/six months training in Ultrasonography courses. In order to participate in the admission process, it is necessary to fill the Baba Farid University of Health Sciences Punjab Medical application form in the online mode ( )


(i) Admission Application Fee of Rs. 5900 (Rs.2950 for SC candidates) including GST will only be deposited through online payment gateway only.

(ii) Only those Admission Application Forms will be considered for counseling, fee for which has been deposited by due date/time.

(iii) No request for accepting the Admission Application Form after due date/time will be considered.

(iv) Merely deposition of fee will not entitle the candidate for claim of admission.

(v) Fee once deposited in University Account will not be refunded/adjusted in any case.

(vi) Fee shall not be accepted in any other mode i.e. Cash, Cheque, Demand Draft etc.


Fill category carefully in the online Admission Application Form. Category one claimed will not be changed in any case after submitting the form.

Open/General Category11
Schedule Castes12
Backward Classes13
Persons With Disability *14

For All India Quota Candidates

All India Quota Candidates Shall Submit a Bond of Rs. 10Lakhs to serve the state of Punjab for one year after completion of post Graduate course. All other conditions would remain the same as for state quota candidates.


Scheduled Caste 25%
Backward Caste10%
Physically Disabled5%

Private College Reservation

Scheduled Caste 25%
Backward Caste10%
Physically Disabled5%

Distribution Of Seats

Govt. quotaManagement quotastate quotaChristian minorityNRI/MQNRI/SQ IP
Dayanand Medical College & Hospital 50% 35% 15%
Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research 42.5% 42.5% 7.5% 7.5%
Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences & Research 50% 50%
Christian Medical College 50% 35% 15%


The University shall display the State Merit (of registered candidates) on the University website. After displaying the state merit list of registered candidates, the University shall open the online portal for choice filling. Online counselling will be held through website where online counselling form will be available as per dates specified in Important Dates.


  • The admission to MD/MS/PG Diploma/DNB/PGDSM and six months training in Ultrasonography shall be open to candidates who have qualified NEET-PG-2021 and eligible as per Punjab Govt. notifications and subsequent amendment(s)/corrigendum(s) and possessing basic qualifications i.e. MBBS for various PG Medical Courses.
  • Candidates cannot claim a seat/admission on the basis of the NEET-PG-2021 rank alone. Eligibility and Merit of a candidate for admission against any PG seat will be determined by the Admission Committee, strictly as per rules and regulations laid down in the Punjab Govt. Notification(s) as published in this prospectus and instructions of Govt. of India available on website at the time of reporting in the college
  • Counseling / Admissions shall be conducted by the Admission Committee constituted by the Punjab Government for this purpose.
  • Minority Quota seats: The final eligibility for getting seat under Minority Quota will be determined by the respective Minority institution in accordance with Punjab Govt. notifications and as per rules and regulations followed by respective institutions.


Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Punjab conducts three rounds of Counseling for NEET PG



  • Punjab state merit, NEET-PG
  • College wise & category wise distribution of P.G. seats
  • List of registered candidates for online counseling Separate list for Sikh minority & Christian minority
  • Choice Filling
  • On-line Admission Process for allotted candidates
  • Reporting

ROUND -2 (Online)

  • Notice-2nd round of counseling, PG courses
  • Latest vacancy position of PG seats in medical colleges
  • Fresh Registration (who have not done in Round 1)
  • Choice filling
  • Submission Of Willingness For 2nd Round Of Online Counselling.-

The process for inviting willingness to participate in the 2nd round of online PG counselling shall be commenced before start of 2nd round. If candidate want to participate for 2nd round, he/she will have to submit willingness as per the rules& regulations of Government of India posted on . Only those candidates will be considered for 2nd round who will submit willingness by depositing requisite security amount for participation. The candidates to whom seats are allotted in the 1st round of counseling will also submit the willingness to participate in the 2nd round of online counselling, however, the fee deposited by them will be adjusted and they will have to pay the remaining amount of security deposit. Those who have already paid more than Rs. 200,000/- need not to pay security deposit again. The consent is mandatory to participate in 2nd round

  1. For Government colleges - Rs. 25,000/- (half for SC/BC)
  2. For Private Colleges – Rs. 2,00,000/-
  • Allotment of seat
  • Provisional list of selected candidates for NEET PG-counseling in the state of Punjab after Round-2
  • Reporting


  • Notice-Mop-Up round of counseling for PG courses
  • Latest vacancy position of PG seats in Medical colleges
  • Fresh Registration for the one not registered in Round 1 & 2
  • Mop-up counseling for seat allotment / admission will be held offline

NEET PG-2021 qualified candidates as under :

  • Who have not registered in round 1 & 2 in Punjab State.
  • Who were registered in round 1 & exited.
  • Candidates who are allotted seats in Round-2 and do not join the allotted seat and Exited with Forfeiture i.e the refundable security deposit of candidates will be forfeited and such candidates can participate in Mop-Up round by registering again for Mop-Up round by paying the requisite fee.
  • Candidates who were registered but not allotted a seat in round 1 and round 2 need not registered again.


Walk in counselling for stray vacancy round will be held at Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot. Candidates will deposit the registration fee and transfer the six month fee on the spot in the university account.


1. The candidates are required to deposit the tuition fee through online University payment gateway only and then report to the respective allotted college for verification of original documents/credentials. The candidate must submit proof of fee remittance to the Principal of concerned College. If the selected candidate is found eligible as per instructions mentioned in Punjab Govt. Notification no. 5/8/2016-5HBIII/8169 dated 22.09.2021, candidate will be allowed to submit his/her joining report after medical checkup.

2. The respective colleges will send the Registration Return of candidates to the university within stipulated date along with proforma, original documents, registration fee of the candidate for registering the candidate in particular course/specialty/quota. If at the time of registration, any candidate is found not eligible as per Punjab Govt. notification by the University, then his/her selection will be cancelled by the University immediately.

3. The selected candidates shall report to the provisional allocated college for checking of eligibility and document verification along with the following documents:

i) Candidates allotted seat must carry one of the identification proofs (ID Proof) to the allotted college at the time of admission (as mentioned in the information Bulletin published by the National Board of Examinations (NBE) for AIPGMEE/AIPGDEE i.e. PAN Card, Driving License, Voter ID, Passport or Aadhar Card.)

ii) Receipt of deposition of six month fee.

iii) Admit card issued by NBE iv) Result/Rank Latter issued by NBE.

v) High School/Higher Secondary Certificate/Birth Certificate as proof of date of Birth.

vi) Mark Sheets of MBBS 1st, 2nd & 3rd Professional Examinations.

vii) MBBS Degree Certificate/Provisional Certificate.

viii) Internship Completion Certificate/Certificate from the Head of Institution.

ix) Permanent / provisional Registration Certificate issued by NMC /State Medical Council.

x) In service candidates will produce NOC & Eligibility certificate from the competent authority.

xi) The Candidate should also bring/ upload the following certificate if applicable.

a) SC Certificate issued by the competent authority of Punjab.

b) BC certificate issued by the competent authority of Punjab. The BC certificate must be in the format as mentioned in the prospectus.

c) Disability Certificate issued from duly constituted and authorized Medical Board for 21 Benchmark Disabilities as per the Rights of Persons with Disability Act,2016 as mentioned in the Information Bulletin for National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (Post Graduate) NEET-PG-2021. No other PWD certificate, issued by any other Authorities/ Hospital will be entertained.

d) The EWS certificate issued by the competent authority of Punjab.

e) The undertaking mentioned in the Prospectus as Annexure B or Annexure C.

4. Verification of Documents of candidates applied under Christian and Sikh Minority Quota.

The candidate applied under minority quota will report to the respective minority institutions as per schedule. Verification of eligibility under Sikh Minority Quota and Christian Minority Quota is made compulsory to participate in the online process of counselling. Only those minority candidates will be allowed to participate/ exercise their choices in counselling, the name of which will be forwarded to the University by the Principals of respective minority institute i.e. Sri Guru Ram Dass Institute of Medical Colleges, Amritsar and Christian Medical College, Ludhiana for PG Medical seats, after verification of the Minority status as per rules and regulations followed by respective institutions.





Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2023 Round 1 PDF CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2023 Round 2 PDF CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2023 Round 3 PDF CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2023 Stray Vacancy Round PDF CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2023 Special Stray Vacancy Round PDF CLICK HERE

Note: The Admission Process is written as per the ordinance of the official Counselling Agency.

Details of six month fee/minimum fee for 1st year to be collected from the provisionally selected candidates.
SpecialityStreamGovt. College six month feePrivate Colleges Six month fee
Govt. QuotaMgt. QuotaNRI Quota
AnatomyBasic50000130000130000US$ 10000
BiochemistryBasic50000130000130000US$ 10000
Immuno Haematology and Blood TransfusionBasic50000130000130000US$ 10000
MicrobiologyBasic50000130000130000US$ 10000
PharmacologyBasic50000130000130000US$ 10000
PhysiologyBasic50000130000130000US$ 10000
Community MedicineBasic50000130000130000US$ 10000
Forensic Medicine &ToxicologyBasic50000130000130000US$ 10000
AnaesthesiologyClinical62500325000325000US$ 65000
Skin &STDClinical62500325000325000US$ 65000
General MedicineClinical62500325000325000US$ 65000
Obstetrics & GynaecologyClinical62500325000325000US$ 65000
OphthalmologyClinical62500325000325000US$ 65000
OrthopedicsClinical62500325000325000US$ 65000
ENTClinical62500325000325000US$ 65000
PathologyClinical62500325000325000US$ 65000
PaediatricsClinical62500325000325000US$ 65000
PsychiatryClinical62500325000325000US$ 65000
Radio-diagnosisClinical62500325000325000US$ 65000
General SurgeryClinical62500325000325000US$ 65000
RadiotherapyClinical62500325000325000US$ 65000
TB &ChestClinical62500325000325000US$ 65000
Diploma in Anaesthesia (DA)Clinical62500195000195000US$ 15000
Diploma in Child Health (DCH)Clinical62500195000195000US$ 15000
Ultrasonography TrainingTraining100005000050000 

Note: The Fee Structure is as per the Notification of the official Counselling Agency, Please visit the official website in subject to any changes.


Old Moti Bagh, Moti Bagh, Patiala, Punjab

Patiala, Punjab - 147001

phone: 0175-2306171

email: [email protected]



Note: The apply-now form facilitates students (from pan India- rural, urban, and distant corners) to apply to various colleges, automatically forwarding their details to the respective institutions via email. ICCC is not liable for any responses from the colleges.

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