Agartala Government Medical College

Govt Est. 2005Agartala, Tripura

The Agartala Government Medical College, Agartala is a Government College established in the Year 2005. The college is recognized by Govt. of India and the National Medical Commission (NMC) and is affiliated with Tripura University. Tripura Medical College offers 125 seats in MBBS, 79 seats in 19 disciplines of Postgraduate Courses.

The college is spread over an area of 42 acres. College library have adequate quantity of good books & national, international journals(As per requirement of INC).There are separate hostels for boys and girls. The departments, classrooms, library, and laboratories are housed in airy, bright, and well-ventilated buildings. The College provided by Agartala Government Medical College are Medical Support Systems, Sports Complex, Library & Information Center, Practical Lab, Auditorium.

The Teaching Hospital

G. B. Pant Hospital is the attached hospital which is Presently having 550+ beds. A full fledged scientifically designed out patient complex for all departments with adequate waiting space for patients and attendants. An Emergency wing designed and equipped to deal with all cases of casualties, trauma, accident, and medical emergencies. A full fledged diagnostic setup with round the clock central laboratory capable of performing all tests. Ultramodern imaging facilities under department of Radio diagnosis and Imaging with X-ray, Ultrasound , Doppler, CT Scan and MRI Scan facilities. A state of the art OT complex with modular OTs, CSD, recovery facilities. An Intensive Care Section having ICU, ICCU, NICU ,PICU ,treatment rooms and facilities. Clinical board’s general specialties viz. Medicine, Surgery, OBG, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics , ENT, Ophthalmology, Pulmonology, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesiology and Radiology and three paraclinical departments viz. Pathology, Microbiology and Biochemistry are working in the G. B. Pant Hospital.

Number Of Seat Postgraduation
Radio Diagnosis5Ophthalmology3PSM6Physiology3
Obstetrics & Gynaecology4ENT3Forensic Medicine3Anatomy3
General Medicine11General Surgery9Pharmacology4
Paediatrics3 Microbiology3
Pulmonary Medicine2
Radiation Oncology3


Address: Agartala Government Medical College, PO, Kunjaban, Agartala, Tripura 799006
Phone: 0381 235 6701 | 9830080096, 0381-2356701
E Mail ID:[email protected]

Agartala Government Medical College (MEDICAL SCIENCES)-NEETPG Counseling is Conducted by 1) MCC (Medical Counselling Committee)( Open To All )and 2)Directorate of Medical Education, Tripura(State Domicile)

AIQ (Medical Counselling Committee(MCC) )SQ Directorate of Medical Education (DME).

1 ) MCC (Medical Counselling Committee)(50%) (Open To All)( Internal Quota seat)

The MCC (Medical Counselling Committee)/DGHS conducts Counseling for allotment of Post Graduate (MD/MS/Diploma and MDS) seats to the NEET PG/MDS eligible and qualified candidates in participating:-

Open seats-domicile free includes:Internal quota seats include:
50% All India Quota seats
50% Seats IMS, BHU IDS, BHU50% Internal Seats IMS, BHU IDS, BHU
50%Seats of AMU (JNMC, ZADC, Aligarh)50% AMU ( Internal seats JNMC, ZADC, Aligarh)
50% All India Quota seats of DU50% DU (LHMC,UCMS, MAMC,MAIDS)
50% Central Institutes (VMMC & SJH, ABVIMS & RML, ESIC-Basaidarapur)50% seats of Internal seats of Central Institutes (VMMC & SJH, ABVIMS & RML, ESIC-Basaidarapur),
100% DNB

All the candidates who have qualified for All India Quota seats on the basis of their rank in NEET PG /MDS conducted by NBE including candidates from Union Territory of J&K will be eligible. The role of MCC (Medical Counselling Committee) of DGHS is limited to allotment of seats to the participating candidates, as per their merit and choice, which starts only after receiving the list/data/Information of successful candidates from National Board of Examinations (NBE) i.e. the NEET (MDS) examination conducting body

There will be four rounds of Counseling i.e., Round 1 & Round 2, third Round & Stray Vacancy Round and all the rounds will be conducted by MCC. All candidates who have qualified for All India Quota seats on the basis of their rank in NEET MDS conducted by the National Board of Examination (NBE) will be eligible for participation in the counselling process. Eligible candidates may download the Rank letter/ Result from NBE website

Eligibility Condition:

  • The candidate should have qualified under NEET-MDS eligibility.
  • Domicile-free Counseling (Open to all)
  • Internal quota seat for AMU/BHU & Delhi University Quota
  • For this academic year2024, the internship completion date may be treated as 30th June 2024 as approved by the competent authority, MoHFW

For Delhi University Quota (MAIDS): The candidate must have passed the final M.B.B.S. examination (for MD/MS/Diploma Course) and BDS examination (for MDS Course) from the University of Delhi and must have completed a satisfactory one-year compulsory rotating internship and must submit their internship completion certificate at the time of admission. For the Reservation Policy of 50% Internals seats of AMU, there is no reservation

AMU Internal seats (ZADC, Aligarh) : An Institutional (Internal) candidate has passed the qualifying examination (MBBS/BDS as applicable) from AMU and completes his/her internship as per the dates specified by AMU authorities.

BHU Internal seat (IDS, BHU): Only those Candidates who have passed MBBS/BDS from the Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU as per the internship dates specified by IMS, BHU will be eligible, provided the Candidates have appeared and qualified in the NEET-PG / MDS Examination.

Central Institutes: The Candidates should have completed their MBBS/BDS from I.P. University (VMMC & SJH; ABVIMS & RML; Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Medical College & Hospital, New Delhi; Army College of Medical Sciences, Delhi; North Delhi Municipal Corporation(Medical College) Hindu Rao Hospital) are eligible for Internal seats of 50% in Central Institutes (VMMC & SJH, ABVIMS & RML, ESIC-Basaidarapur)

Step Wise Counseling Process conducted by MCC

Step Wise Counseling Process conducted by Medical Counselling Committee (MCC)

The counseling process for admission into various programs will encompass four distinct rounds: Round 1, Round 2, Round 3, and the Stray and Special Stray Vacancy Round. In accordance with the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India's directives, as per the orders dated 12.12.2022 and 16.12.2021 in the case of "SLA (C) No. 10487 of 2021 in the matter of Nihila P.P. v/s MCC & Ors.," all four rounds will be conducted online by the Medical Counseling Committee (MCC). This approach ensures a transparent and accessible counseling process for all candidates.

Following the Supreme Court's approval, no seats will revert to the participating states after Round 2, marking a significant change in the counseling process. The Mop-up Round will now be recognized as Round 3 from the 2023-24 session onwards. The candidate is now allowed to upgrade seat from second round to 3 rd (mop up) round.It is crucial for candidates to make informed decisions regarding their participation in Round 3 of MCC counseling, as withdrawal from this round will not be permitted. Additionally, candidates accepting a seat in Round 3 will be ineligible for any further counseling rounds.

To facilitate a seamless transition between rounds and ensure optimal seat allocation, data will be shared between the Centre and the States. Any candidate listed in the allotments will be excluded from the All India Stray Vacancy Round to maintain the integrity of the counseling process.

For seats designated as JAIN MINORITY/MUSLIM MINORITY/NRI, any vacancies remaining after Round 3 will convert to UR MANAGEMENT Private Deemed University seats. This conversion only occurs after all eligible candidates for JAIN MINORITY/MUSLIM MINORITY/ NRI seats have been considered, ensuring no seat goes unfilled and maximizing educational opportunities for all students.


RoundsTypes of Counselling Mode
Round 1- (By Medical Counselling Committee (MCC))AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNBOnline
Round 2- (By Medical Counselling Committee (MCC))AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNBOnline
Round 3 (earlier MOPUP)- (By Medical Counselling Committee (MCC))AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNBOnline
Stray Vacancy Round- - By Medical Counselling Committee (MCC)AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNBOnline
Special Stray Vacancy Round -Online - Medical Counselling Committee (MCC)AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNBOnline
In light of the above directions, as passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court, the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) of DGHS, MoHFW, shall conduct the counselling for the Stray Vacancy Round of 100% (ALL) seats of Deemed Universities

Fees to be paid at the time of registration

Payment Scheme for different categoriesNon- Refundable (Fees)Refundable (Security Deposit)
Unreserved (UR/EWS candidates)Reserved (ST/SC/OBC/PwD)Unreserved (UR/EWS candidates)Reserved (ST/SC/OBC/PwD, Applicable-jain/muslims)
Deemed UniversityRs.5000/- Rs.5000/Rs.2,00,000/- Rs.2,00,000/-
For examples
Example 1: Any SC candidate opting for AIQ will pay registration fee of Rs 500/- + Rs.10,000/- (Refundable Security Deposit.)
Example 2: Any Unreserved candidate opting for AIQ will pay registration fee of Rs. 1000/- + Rs. 25,000/- (Refundable Security Deposit.)
Example3: Any candidate opting for Deemed Universities will have to pay registration fee of Rs 5000/- + Rs 2,00,000/- (Refundable Security Deposit)

Reservation Policy for 15% All India Quota seats:

The Reservation Policy of the Central Government for the NEET-UG Counselling in All India Quota is as follows:

S.C.- 15%

S.T.- 7.5%

O.B.C.- (Non-Creamy Layer) as per the Central OBC list- 27%

EWS- as per Central Government norms- 10%

PwD- Horizontal Reservation as per NMC norms- 5%

NOTE:- Reservation of seats under PWD Category is 5% in AIQ & as per NMC norms (Gazette Notification no. MCI-34(41)/2018-Med./170045 dated 04/02/2019). For range of disabilities included, please see Annexure ‘1’.

Guidelines for NRI Seat Allocation during MCC Counseling

The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) has established specific criteria for Non-Resident Indian (NRI) seat allocation as per the directives issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. According to the verdict in W.P. No. 689/2017 - Consortium of Deemed Universities in Karnataka (CODEUNIK) & Anr. vs. Union of India & Ors. on August 22, 2017, candidates qualifying as NRIs are eligible for NRI category seats. This eligibility extends to Overseas Citizens of India (OCI), Persons of Indian Origin (PIO), and Foreign Nationals, who may only apply for NRI-designated seats.

Indian Nationals seeking to be reclassified to the sponsored NRI category must adhere to the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC)'s requirements, including the timely submission of necessary documents upon request. Candidates are encouraged to stay informed on the process through official Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) communications to ensure compliance and secure their eligibility for NRI seat consideration during the counseling sessions.

First Round:- (MD/MS/DNB/MDS) (Free Exit Round) (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNB)

Notification for counseling process
NRI Status with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
Main counseling Registration which will include payment of Non-refundable Registration fee and Refundable Security Deposit (to be refunded only in the account from which payment has been made)
Process of Seat Allotment Round-1
Publication of result of Round-1 on MCC website, mandatory uploading of essentials documents on MCC website for seat allotted candidates.
Physical Reporting at the allotted Medical/Dental College with original documents against Round-1 (one)
Options for an allotted candidate :-
Candidates who have been allotted a seat in round one (1) can opt for free exit and can directly participate in round two.
Candidates who have allotted a seat in round one (1) can opt for willingness to upgrade from round 1 to round 2 only after physical reporting at college/institute.
If a registered candidate is not allotted a seat in round one (1), he can participate in round 2 directly without fresh registration.
Candidates willing to upgrade from Round 1 to Round 2 have to report at the allotted institute/college with original documents of round 1 and complete the admission formalities. During the completion of admission formalities, if the candidate wishes to upgrade then he/she has to give willingness for upgradation in the college
Note: MCC of DGHS will share the data of joined candidates in round 1 , round 2, round 3 of counselling with all the participating States. Similarly, the participating States will also share the data of joined candidates.

2nd Round :-(MD/MS/DNB/MDS) (No Free Exit Round ) Fresh Registration for 2ND ROUND (not required for earlier registered candidates) (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNB)

Notification for counseling process
NRI Status with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
New/fresh Registration for Round-2 is to be done by those candidates who -Have not registered in Round-1 (with full payment of fees)
Candidates who have Resigned / Not reported in Round-1 need not register again.
Fresh Choice filling and locking of choices for Round-2.
Publication of result of Round 2 on MCC website, mandatory uploading of essential documents on the MCC website for seat allotted candidates.
Options for an allotted candidate:-
If a candidate participates in round-2 for and is not upgraded he/she may resign from his first round seat within two (2) days of the result declaration without forfeiture of the security deposit
Physical Reporting with original documents at the allotted Medical/Dental College/Institute against Round 2.
If a candidate freshly registered in round 2 is not allotted a seat, he/she can participate in round 3 directly without fresh registration
If upgraded in Round 2, the candidate must take relieving from the Round 1 seat and join the Round 2 seat
Candidates getting upgraded in Round 2 Shall NOT have any claim on the Round 1 seat

Following Candidates allotted seats in round 2, are eligible to exit with forfeiture of Security deposit

  1. Candidate who are fresh allotted seat but want to leave seat and participate in further rounds
  2. Candidates upgraded but not joining from round one (1) before round 3 registration.
  3. Candidates who joined the college/institute and then resigned.
Candidates who have been fresh allotted a seat in round 2 can opt for willingness to upgrade from round2 to round 3, for which first they will have to physically report at the Round 2 allotted college/institute
Note: MCC of DGHS will share the data of joined candidates in round 1 , round 2, round 3 of counselling with all the participating States. Similarly, the participating States will also share the data of joined candidates.

CONVERSION ALGORITHM (applicable in third round)

2SC (PwD) SC
8NRI/Jain Minority/Muslim MinorityUR
(*) Conversion algorithm: The conversion of seats will be carried out during the third (earlier Mop Up) Round for AIQ, Deemed, Central Universities/Institutes and DNB. Accordingly, the candidates are required to keep this aspect also in mind while filling up the seats during choice filling period before allotment third Round. The conversion of vacant reserved seats will be done as per the following algorithm:

Round-3 Start (earlier known as MOP –UP ROUND) :- (MD/MS/DNB/MDS) (No Free Exit Round) Fresh Registration for Round 3(not required for earlier registered candidates) (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNB)

Fresh Registration with payment of registration fee for Round-3.

Fresh/New Registration Round 3 for those candidates who

  • Have not registered in Round-1 or Round 2 (with full payment of fees).
  • Have Resigned from Round 2 need to fill fresh choices with full payment of fees.
Who registered in Round-2 and exited with Forfeiture of fees without joining can register again with fresh payment of fees.
Those who registered but were not allotted a seat in Round-1 & Round-2 need not register again
Exercising of Fresh Choice filling and locking of choices
Publication of result of third Round on MCC website, mandatory Uploading of essential certificates on MCC website.
Physical Reporting at the Allotted Medical/ Dental College/institute after third Round with original documents.
Options for an allotted candidate :-
If upgraded, the candidate must take relieving from Round 2 seat and join Round 3 seat. Once joined, he cannot upgrade or resign from this third round seat.
If any candidate does not join Round 3 seat, he may exit with forfeiture of security deposit and elimination (cannot participate in further rounds of counseling conducted by MCC, DGHS)
If a candidate freshly registers in round 3 and is not allotted any seat, he/she is eligible to participate in stray/further rounds.
Candidates getting upgraded in Round 3 shall Not have any claim on earlier round allotted seat
Note: MCC of DGHS will share the data of joined candidates in round 1 , round 2, round 3 of counselling with all the participating States. Similarly, the participating States will also share the data of joined candidates. Candidates who have joined in round 3 of state will be filtered and weeded out before processing for AIQ Stray Vacancy round of counselling.

Stray vacancy: (MD/MS/DNB/MDS) (No Free Exit Round) (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNB)

Fresh registrations and fresh choice filling for Final Stray Vacancy Round. The choices filled during third round will not be considered for allotment in Stray Vacancy Round.
Eligibility of Candidates: who are not holding any seat or did not participate in Round- 1 and round 2. (AIQ, State, Deemed) can participate in the Stray Vacancy Round.
Candidates who were fresh allotted seats in round 3 and did not join cannot participate in Stray Vacancy Round.
Data will be shared between Centre and States after Round 3 of states and if any candidate has his/her name in the list provide by State after round 3, then such candidates shall be eliminated from counseling before processing for All-India Stray Vacancy Round
For Deemed Universities the Stray Vacancy Round will be conducted by MCC of DGHS, MoHF Was per the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India vide order dated 12.12.2022 passed in I.A NO. 132614/2022 IN W.P (c) NO. 267/2017 in Dar-us Slam Educational trust and Ors. vs. Medical Council of India & Ors.”
If a candidate is allotted a seat in Stray round, he/she has to report & join the allotted seat/college else he/she shall be debarred from NEET PG /MDS examination for subsequent 1 (one) year along with forfeiture of security deposit.

Special Stray vacancies:- (MD/MS/DNB/MDS) (No Free Exit Round) (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNB)

NOTE:- The Special Stray Vacancy Round is conducted exclusively to fill any seats that remain vacant even after the Stray Vacancy Round. This round is a final attempt to ensure that no seat goes unfilled, providing one last opportunity for candidates to secure a position in their desired college or course.

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected]) (*NRI seat openings during the counseling rounds are contingent on the availability of NRI vacancies.)
  • Seat matrix Special Stray vacancies
  • Exercising of “Fresh Choice filling” and Locking of choices
  • Seat allotment Special Stray vacancies
  • All allotted students must download allotment letter
If a candidate is allotted a seat in SPECIAL Stray round, he has to join the allotted seat/college. If the candidate does not join the allotted seat, he/she shall be debarred from NEETUPG/MDS examination for 01 Year along with forfeiture of fees.

What documents are required at the time of joining in allotted Medical / Dental College?

Original documents required at the time of joining in allotted Medical/Dental College are as mentioned below:
Allotment Letter issued by MCC (Essential document)
Admit Card issued by NBE (Essential document) Result/Rank Letter issued by NBE (Essential document)
High School/Higher Secondary Certificate/Birth Certificate as proof of date or birth. (Essential document)
Mark Sheets of MBBS/BDS 1st , 2nd & 3rd Professional Examinations. (Essential document)
MBBS/BDS Degree Certificate/Provisional Certificate. (Essential document) Internship Completion Certificate/Certificates from the Head of Institution or College that the candidate shall complete the Internship by 31st March, of the year of admission. (Essential document)
Permanent / provisional Registration Certificate issued by MCI or DCI/State Medical or Dental Council. Provisional Registration Certificate is acceptable only in cases where candidate is undergoing internship and likely to complete the same on or before 31st March of the year of admission. (Essential document)Essential document
Candidates allotted seat must carry one of the identification proofs (ID Proof) to the allotted college at the time of admission (as mentioned in the information Bulletin published by the National Board of Examinations (NBE) for NEET i.e. PAN Card, Driving License, Voter ID, Passport or Aadhar Card). (Essential document)
The Candidate should also bring the following certificates, if applicable (Essential document)
SC/ST Certificate issued by the competent authority (in the format as specified in the Information Bulletin) and should be in English or Hindi language. Sub caste should be clearly mentioned in the certificate. The translated certificate must be certified by a Gazetted Officer. (Essential document)
EWS Certificate as per the Central Govt. Norms (in the format as specified inthe Information Bulletin) and should be in English or Hindi language. The translated certificate must be certified by a Gazetted Officer. (Essential document)
OBC certificate issued by the competent authority. The sub-caste should tally with the Central List of OBC. The OBC candidates should not belong to Creamy Layer. The OBC certificate must be in the format as mentioned in the prospectus. The translated certificate must be certified by a Gazetted Officer. (Essential document)
Disability Certificate issued from a duly constituted and authorized Medical Board for twenty one (21) Benchmark Disabilities as per the Rights of Persons with Disability Act,2016 and NMC Norms. No other PwD certificate, issued by any other Authorities/ Hospital will be entertained. The format of Certificate of Disability is annexed in the Information Bulletin. (Essential document)
NOTE: -Candidates without original certificates/ documents shall not be allowed to take admission in allotted Medical / Dental College. Candidates who have deposited their original documents with any other Institute / College/ University and come for admission with a certificate stating that “their original certificates are deposited with the Institute / College / University” shall not be allowed to take admission in allotted Medical/Dental College

2) STATE COUNSELING: Tripura Medical Post Graduate (PG) courses Admission - NEETPG 2022-23

Admission to the State Quota/domicile Seats end Seats in the Private Medical College affiliated to the Tripura University in different Post Graduate Medical Courses shall be made on the basis of Inter se merit of NEET PG (MD/ MS) POST MBBS DIPLOMA) 2022 through Single point entry of different categories . Directorate of Medical Education under Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of Tripura conducts the admissions for Tripura PG medical. In order to participate in the admission process, it is necessary to fill Directorate of Medical Education Post Graduate Medical Admission Counseling medical application form in the online mode (

Name of the Institutions under this Directorate Medical Colleges
AGMC(Agartala Govt.Medical College),Agartala (Government)
TMC (Tripura Medical College), Hapania, Agartala(Private)

Eligibility Criteria

  • The candidate must be a Citizen of India
  • The candidate must be a domicile of the State of Tripura
  • The candidate must obtain the MBBS Degree from any Medical College Recognized by NMC with MBBS Registration Certificate of Tripura State Medical Council.
  • The candidate must have completed the compulsory Rotatory Internship for (one) year on or before 3 I /5/2022. He should possess registration from State Registration Council or Central Registration Council.
  • The candidate must register his/her name in Tripura State PG (MD/MS) Post MBBS Diploma Counselling '2O22 with requisite fees, security deposits, information and documents which ever and wherever applicable in found 1 and Round 2. There will be no fresh Registration in the MOP -UP Round
  • A candidate must get Qualifying marks in NEET PG 2022 to participate in the counselling.

Eligibility for the Non Govt. Quota at Tripura Medical College.
Must qualify NEET PG-2022 and meet one of the following

  1. The candidate must be a permanent resident of Tripura passed out MBBS from Tripura or any other State
  2. Ex-Students , Pass out MBBS from Tripura Medical College of Agartala Government Medical College irrespective of Tripura domiciled of belonging to other State of India / any Union territory

The candidates should have secured the following cut off scores and above in NEET PG-2022

CategoryEligibility Criteria as per NBE,New DELHICutoff Score
General Category50th percentile275
SC/ST/BC-A/B/C/D/E, SC-PWD/ST-PWD/BC- A/B/C/D/E -PWD40th percentile245
UR-PWD45th percentile260

Registration fees

Registration fees for round-1 participation Candidates have to register their name with requisite registration fees through online @ Rs. 7,000/- per candidate for General category and Ra. 6,O0O/ - for BC, 8T4• , PWD category. No registration will be allowed beyond schedule period of registration.

Security deposit

Security deposit in the Second Round is Mandatory for all the Registered Candidates willing to take part in the Second Round. Registration with deposit of registration fees is mandatory for a candidate in each of the Round 1 and or Round 2, he/ she intends to participate. Separate registration fee is not applicable to a candidate willing to take part in Round 2 if he/she gets registered in Round-1 with requisite registration fees. But Security Deposit to participate in Round-2 is mandatory for all candidates.

Security Deposit for R-* Round: (Mandatory) for candidates who will be participating in Round 2.

  1. Candidates willing to take part for AGMC (Govt) seats shall have to deposit Rs.25000 / - for General Candidate and Rs. 12500/ -. for SC, ST candidate.
  2. Candidates willing to take part for only Private seats at TMC shall have to deposit Rs. 2 lac irrespective of category.
  3. Candidates willing to take part in both Private seats and Government seats will have to deposit an amount of Rs. 2 lac only irrespective of category.

Fresh Registration in 2nd Round is open to fresh candidates who do not register his/her candidature in Round -1 but he / she shall have to deposit the mandatory security deposit for Round-2 along with registration fee for participation in Round- 2 not registered in Round 1, along with mandatory security deposit for Round 2. Security deposit for Round 2 may be through prescribed portal or physically by Demand Draft in favour of Director of Medical Education, Agartala, Tripura through any Nationalized Bank preferably SBI,


There will be 3 (three) rounds of counselling: Round -1 & Round- 2 of the said counselling will be performed online. Thereafter, a Mop-Up offline round of counselling will be held subjected to availability of seat.

A Stray Vacancy Round (offline Counselling) may be held in the Institutions of Tripura which shall be performed by the concerned Institutions subjecting to the availability or still vacant seat after completion of Mop-Up round. The candidate shall be selected as per Merit and choice filled up / opted by the candidates for admission to different Post Graduate Medical Courses in the Medical Colleges of the State of Tripura or outside the State though Online Counselling (Round- 1 & Round-2) and there after Mop-Up round offline counselling strictly according to the time schedule which would be published/notified by the appropriate authority in due course.

Tripura State Merit List of Candidates:

Tripura State Merit List of Registered eligible NEET PG 2022 candidates shall be prepared from the registered eligible NEET PG 2022 candidate who have registered their name for Tripura State PG (MD/MS) Counselling 2022 with requisite fees with relevant documents. The said Merit List will be prepared by NIC, Agartala Tripura from the All India Merit List (Ranking) supplied from Assistant Director General (ME), Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, New Delhi.

There shall be a common merit list (adding incentives for only eligible In-Service Candidates) indicating merit position and stating each caste category (ST,SC) , EWS, PWD Categories as per information particulars registered by the candidate which will be published in due course after registration for the counselling by the candidates gets completed by the schedule date.

The candidates appearing for Counselling will have to upload/submit the following documents as per registration form :

Admit Card of NEET PG.
All India NEET PG Rank Card.
University MBBS Degree Certificate.
Mark Sheet of MBBS Degree Certificates of 1st, 2nd & Final MBBS (including all pre clinical, Para clinical & Clinical subjects).
Internship completion certificate.
Registration Certificate issued by MCl/State Medical Council.
School Leaving Certificate/Class X Mark sheet/Class X Admit card denoting date of birth as proof of age
ST/SC/PWD/WESM/EWS Certificate (which ever and wherever applicable).
PRTC (Permanent Resident of Tripura Certificate) (in case of State domicile candidates only).
Signature of the Candidate, Signature of the Parent/Guardian.
Mobile phone number of the candidate.

E-mail ID of the Candidate.

Candidates without uploading the above documents/information shall not be considered for the Counselling and/or shall not be considered for any weight - age in the marks (for in-service candidates).

For in-service candidates (in addition to above documents).

(a) No objection certificate from appointing authority for NEET PG 2022 exam.

(b) Service Certificate stating service in rural/difficult/Remote areas with exact duration.

(c) Sponsorship Certificate - wherever applicable (if got sponsored for any seat inside/outside the State Counselling).

(d) TPSC confirmation certificate(wherever applicable)

Reservation of State Quota Seats:

Reservation for SC/ST candidates, of Tripura domicile shall be as per reservation policy of the State Government of Tripura. Reservation for PWD (with certificate of disability as per Annexure-2)/ EWS (with Income & Asset certificate by approved issuing authority as per Annexure-3), WESM (Certificate approved by Director of Sainik Welfare, Agartala, Tripura) will be as per BOG/ MCI Regulations/ Concerned State authority

Horizontal reservation of seats for eligible PWD Candidates with bench mark disabilities as per guidelines shall also be provided in the seat matrix after registration for the 1st Round of Counselling (if any such candidate is registered).Seats of SC & ST, if remains vacant in 1st Round and 2nd Round of Counselling, will be carried forward to Mop Up Offline Counselling.

Reservation of seats for eligible WESM (Ward of Ex-Service man) shall also be provided in the seat matrix after registration for the 1st Round Counselling gets completed. (if any such candidate registers).

Admission :

The candidate selected through the Counselling shall collect Nominations from DME within scheduled date and shall report to the Principal of the allotted College for admission within the prescribed time period.

On Admission :

The selected candidate shall pay the necessary fees of the concerned college. Selected candidate should submit all the necessary Certificates/documents of registration, mark sheet, internship completion, MBBS pass certificate, NEET score card etc as asked for by the academic section of the concerned college and the same will may not be returned to the candidate before completion of the course.

Selection Process :

Selection is purely on merit basis. It will be strictly on the marks obtained in the NEET (PG) and All India Ranking and with adding incentives marks for In-service candidates only irrespective of category as per guidelines. Selection after adding additional marks as incentive to the NEET PG 2022 score obtained will be applicable only for State Quota MD/MS seats of AGMC and TMC.

BOND : ( For details: Please follow the latest Notifications of Bonds, Guidelines of Sponsorshipof In-Service candidates),applicable bond for 50%AIQ candidates, Central Government Nominees etc.

All the eligible Non Sponsored & State domicile candidates availing the State Quota seats/State Quota / non service or in-service selected candidates of the State of Tripura for PG Courses and AIQ candidates applying to get stipend from Govt. of Tripura shall execute a Bond in favour of the State Government stating that he/she shall serve under Govt. of Tripura for at least 3 (three) years immediately after successful completion of the course of PG (MD/MS) and at least 2 (two) years in rural/difficult/ remote areas immediately after successful completion of PG Diploma Courses (Post MBBS Diploma Courses at IGM Hospital).

In case of such candidates fail to serve under Government of Tripura as per Bond :

  1. He/she has to pay an amount of Rs.35.00 lakhs (Rupees thirty five lakhs) only in respect of Post Graduate Course in Pre & Para clinical Subjects (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine & Community Medicine) to the Government of Tripura.
  2. He/She has to pay of Rs. 50.00 lakhs (Rupees fifty lakhs) only in-respect of Clinical Subjects (Medicine, Surgery, Orthopaedics, ENT, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Anaesthesiology, Radio-diagnosis and Dermatology) to the Government of Tripura.
  3. All the selected candidates who shall be admitted under State Quota seats and All India Quota shall execute a Bond stating that he/she will pay an amount of Rs. 20.00 lakhs (Rupees twenty lakhs) to the Govt. of Tripura if he/she discontinues the course after getting admitted before completion of the course.
  4. PG students of Medical Colleges of the State and outside the State (Domicile, Sponsored and Central Government Nominee shall execute the Bond in favour of the State Government (Government of Tripura) that he/she shall serve under Government of Tripura for at least 5 (five) years immediately after successful completion of the course. In case of failure to serve under the Government of Tripura as per Bond he/she shall have to pay Rs. 50.00 lakhs for Clinical Subjects and Rs. 35.00 lakhs for Pre & Para Clinical subjects to the Government of Tripura.
  5. PG service Bond for PG Diploma Courses (Post MBBS Diploma at IGM Hospital for State in-service doctors only). Selected Candidates of the Post MBBS Diploma Courses shall have to execute a bond in favour of State Govt. to pay Rs. 15 lacs to Govt. of Tripura on failing to serve under Govt. of Tripura in Rural/Difficult/ Remote areas for the stipulated period as per service Bond.

A. Non Sponsored/ Sponsored/State Domicile Candidates and 50 % AIQ seats candidates who will be pursuing the PG (MD/MS/Diploma) courses in AGMC and TMC who opts to take/is taking stipend/salary from Govt. of Tripura shall have to execute a Bond stating that he/she will pay an amount of Rs. 25.00 lakhs in Pre Clinical & Para Clinical PG Degree Courses and Rs. 35.00 lakhs in Clinical PG Degree subject courses and Rs. 10.00 lakhs for all PG Diploma Courses to the Government of Tripura, if he/she discontinues he/her PG Course at any point of time before completion.

B. Service Bond obligation will not apply on a candidate if the appointment is not made by the Government within 06 (six) months from the date of communication to the Government of his/her successful completion of the course and eligibility of service.


M.S. (ORTHOPAEDICS)12228M.S. (E.N.T.)24768M.S. (E.N.T.)30635
M.S. (E.N.T.)22307
M.S. (OPHTHALMOLOGY)16553M.S. (E.N.T.)21739M.D. (PATHOLOGY)40657
M.D. (PAEDIATRICS)5342M.D. (PAEDIATRICS)6927M.D. (Respiratory Medicine)10323
M.D.(Respiratory Medicine)6488MS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)10175MS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)11964
MS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)8177M.D. (Respiratory Medicine)11051M.D. (PATHOLOGY)33548
M.D. (BIOCHEMISTRY)56524M.D. (BIOCHEMISTRY)74525MD/MS (Anatomy)99898
Merit RankUser Name.Allotted CategorySEAT TYPEAllotted BranchTotal Marks
1ANNWES HA ROY BARDHA NURPermittedRadio Diagnosis (MD)598.00
4SAGAR CHAUDH URIURPermittedOBS & Gynae (MS)533.00
5SUBHRA JIT DASURPermittedGeneral Medicine (MD)527.00
6ANUPRA VO BHAUMIKURPermittedPediatrics (MD)510.00
9MEDHAA BHATTA CHARYAURPermittedGeneral Surgery (MS)496.00
10SURAJ BANIKURPermittedOrthopedics (MS)493.00
11DEBAJY OTI SARKARURPermittedPsychiatric (MD)491.40
28DEBADRI TA DASSCPermittedGeneral Medicine (MD)447.00
30MD RAHUL ALAMURPermittedPathology (MD)443.00
35SOURAV DASSCPermittedGeneral Surgery (MS)438.00
41TUTAN DEBNAT HURPermittedPharmacology (MD)433.00
46NIBEDITA DASSCPermittedRespirator y Medicine (MD)427.00
58AMAR DEBBAR MASTPermittedGeneral Medicine (MD)409.50
60DEBASIS H SARMAURPermittedMicrobiology (MD)405.00
65OSKAR DEBBAR MASTPermittedGeneral Surgery (MS)392.00
67SANGHIT A SARKARSCPermittedPathology (MD)388.70
72ROBIN DEBBAR MASTPermittedMicrobiology (MD)377.00
82SUCHITA BHOWMI KSCPermittedForensic Medicine (MD)366.00
86ANANTA TRIPURASTPermittedAnesthesiology (MD)354.90
122MONALI DEBBAR MASTPermittedBiochemistry (MD)280.00
125JIMA DEBBAR MASTPermittedPharmacology (MD)269.50
127RINU DEBBAR MASTPermittedPhysiology (MD)260.00
3ADITYA PODDARURRecognizedGeneral Medicine (MD)558.00
7SOUGAT A SAHAURRecognizedGeneral Surgery (MS)499.00
14PRATIM CHANDR A KARURRecognizedOphthalmology (MS)478.40
15SANDIP CHAKRA BORTYURRecognizedAnesthesiology (MD)477.10
31NABEND U DASSCRecognizedOrthopedics (MS)442.00
33BHASKA R ROYSCRecognizedOBS & Gynae (MS)439.40
45ARUN REANGSTRecognizedRadio Diagnosis (MD)427.00
53SOURAV DASSCRecognizedPsychiatric (MD)419.00
55PRANAB REANGSTRecognizedPediatrics (MD)418.00
85BIPASHA DEBBAR MASTRecognizedOto- rhinolaryngology (ENT)(MS)364.00
101KRISHI KUMAR MURASIN GSTRecognizedCommunity Medicine (MD)318.50


Agartala Government Medical College MCC R1 AIQ CUT-OFF 2023-24
M.D. (COMMUNITY MEDICINE)65662MS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)12536
MS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)4271M.D. (PHARMACOLOGY)76178
M.D. (Respiratory Medicine)9736M.D. (PHYSIOLOGY)89464
M.S. (E.N.T.)12704M.D. (GENERAL MEDICINE)14921
M.D. (Radiotherapy/ Radiation Oncology)12855M.S. (ORTHOPAEDICS)27282
MD/MS (Anatomy)32195M.D. (BIOCHEMISTRY)94799
Agartala Government Medical College MCC R2 AIQ CUT-OFF 2023-24
M.S. (GENERAL SURGERY)9646M.S. (E.N.T.)32594
MD/MS (Anatomy)56181
Agartala Government Medical College MCC R3 AIQ CUT-OFF 2023-24
M.S. (OPHTHALMOLOGY)19232M S (Obstetrics and Gynecology)7365
M.D. (PHARMA COLOGY)57204M.S. (E.N.T.)41878
MD/MS (Anatomy)74737

Agartala Government Medical College MCC ALLOTMENT PDF LINKS FOR THE YEAR 2023-24:

Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2023-24 Round 1 PDF CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2023-24 Round 2 PDF CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2023-24 Round 3 PDF CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2023-24 Stray Vacancy Round PDF CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2023-24 Special Stray Vacancy Round PDF CLICK HERE



Note: The Admission Process is written as per the ordinance of the official Counselling Agency.


PO, Kunjaban, Agartala, Tripura

Agartala, Tripura - 799006

phone: 0381 235 6701

email: [email protected]



Note: The apply-now form facilitates students (from pan India- rural, urban, and distant corners) to apply to various colleges, automatically forwarding their details to the respective institutions via email. ICCC is not liable for any responses from the colleges.

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