Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research

Govt Est. 1956Puducherry,, Puducherry

The Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) can trace its origins to the ‘Ecole de Medicine de Pondicherry’ established by the French Government in 1823. In 1956 foundation for new medical college was laid and in 1964, hospital was inaugurated. JIPMER is an Institute of National Importance and a tertiary care referral hospital that is under the direct administrative control of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India with autonomy to run its internal administration. It is an institution established for teaching, research and patient care in the area of health. Recently, in the year 2021, JIPMER proudly found it's place in the Top 100 Medical Colleges of the World. JIPMER was ranked fifth among medical colleges in India in 2019 by Outlook India and third by The Week. It was ranked 8th among medical colleges in India by the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) in 2020 & 2021.

The Telemedicine Services centre of JIPMER entered into collaboration with Seoul National University Bundang Hospital (SNUBH), South Korea and has started using Trans-Eurasia Information Network (TEIN).Since, JIPMER is a Member of TEIN Network, the hospital can interact and share knowledge with European and Asian Countries. It connects universities and research institutions with high capacity Internet network to increase the exchanges of knowledge among them and make big international research projects real. JIPMER alumni, especially those who have graduate from the MBBS course, have formed several vibrant alumni communities and organizations like online virtual community called Jipmernet, JIPMER Alumni Association (JAA), JIPMER Alumni Association of North America (JAANA), the JIPMER Alumni Association of the United Kingdom (JAAUK) and the JIPMER Alumni Association of North India (JAANI).

The Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, is a Government College established in the Year 1956. The College is affiliated to Statutory Autonomous, Puducherry, located in Pondicherry and recognized by National Medical Commission (NMC). It has an annual intake of 200 seats in MBBS, 221 seats in 35 disciplines of Post-Graduate studies and 52 seats in 22 disciplines of Super- Specialization studies. JIPMER is one among the very few institutions in the country which is providing teaching from undergraduate to superspeciality & sub-specialties, conducting path breaking research and providing specialty care of high order. The model of providing free specialty health care while maintaining quality and safety makes JIPMER a unique model in the country. JIPMER’s success in providing best treatment even to the least affordable in the society makes it a model of speciality care delivery of the future. JIPMER is witnessing expansion in the form of new campuses like JIPMER Karaikkal, JIPMER outreach centre at Yanam apart from the soon to be commissioned screening OPD block and superspeciality extension block.

JIPMER, spread over a campus of 195 acres (0.79 km2) of a picturesque hillock known locally as Gorimedu. The campus contains the medical college, the old and new hospital blocks, student and resident hostels, staff quarters, a Kendriya Vidyalaya, a branch each of two nationalised banks, two ATM's, a post office, a temple, an auditorium - Dr APJ Abdul Kalam JIPMER Auditorium, playgrounds and sporting fields. Broad tree-lined roads crisscross the campus and the lush tropical vegetation forms a green canopy that hides most buildings on campus. While the hospital section of the campus is typically crowded and busy, the residential part of the campus is quiet and idyllic, punctuated with small parks, hidden statues and secluded spots. The College has state of the art modern infrastructure with technologically advanced Lecture halls, Examination rooms, Demonstration rooms, Seminar halls. There are Departmental museums and well-equipped Laboratories. There are many huge Auditorium located deep inside the campus. There are good Canteens and Recreation halls are amongst the best. There are separate hostel facilities for Boys and Girls and Indoor and Outdoor Games and Sports facilities. The college has a spacious library area with an excellent collection of Medical books of over 75000 and International and National Journals, back volumes, Atlases, Dictionaries, Directories, Encyclopaedias, Technical Reports. There are separate Reading rooms and the E- library has good Internet facility. The college has pre-clinical, para-clinical and clinical disciplines.

Organization and Administration of JIPMER: The institute is headed by the Director, who is the chief executive charged with the overall responsibility of running the institute and its hospital. The Medical Superintendent helps the Director coordinate all the hospital functions pertaining to patient care. Dean (Academic) is charged with overseeing and coordinating all the academic activities of the institute including teaching, whereas Dean (Research) looks after all the research-related activities.

Number of Seats in Post-Graduation and Super-Specialization
Radio-Diagnosis7 Neuro Surgery4
Obstetrics & Gynaecology20 Surgical Gastroenterology3
Psychiatry4 Paediatric Surgery2
General Medicine20Ophthalmology7PSM6Physiology5Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery2
Paediatrics17ENT6Forensic Medicine3Anatomy5Urology/Genito-Urinary Surgery3
Anaesthesiology17Orthopaedics8Pathology7Bio-Chemistry5Cardio Thoracic Surgery 3
Pulmonary Medicine3General Surgery20Pharmacology7 Surgical Oncology 3
Dermatology6 Diploma in Ophthalmology 2Microbiology5 DM
Radiotherapy7 Diploma in Orthopaedics 2 Oncology4
Bacteriology2 Nephrology 3
Immuno Haematology & Blood Transfusion4 Endocrinology 2
Diploma in Leprosy2 Immunology 2
Nuclear Medicine3 Clinical Pharmacology 1
Emergency Medicine8 Neonatology 2
Diploma in Child Health1 Paediatric Critical Care 2
Postgraduate Diploma in Genetic Counselling10 Neurology 3
Family Planning2 Clinical Haematology 1
Cardiology 5
Gastroenterology 2
Cardiac-Anaesthesia 1
Neuro Anaesthesia 1
Critical Care Medicine 2

The Attached Hospital

JIPMER has excellent health care facilities (more than 40 departments) and most of the patients treated here belong to low socioeconomic group The hospital currently has bed strength of 2059 and has several inpatient wings In addition to the main hospital, the Super Specialty Block, Emergency Medical Services, Women and Children Hospital and Regional Cancer Centre provide state of the art medical care in different areas largely to poor patients from Puducherry and many districts of Tamil Nadu as well as patients from Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal and Bihar The daily average OPD attendance is more than 5000 with a yearly OPD attendance of more than 15 million The daily average EMS attendance is more than 700 and the annual attendance is more than 2 lakhs Yearly admissions are more than 60,000 and the hospital performs more than 3 5 million investigations yearly JIPMER has a sprawling Hostel Complex with common facilities to accommodate nearly 1100 students Outreach activities at the rural and urban health centers of JIPMER include service provision for approximately 2000 families in each service area (approximately 20,000 population).

The Department of Radiotherapy at JIPMER was converted to a Regional Cancer Centre in 2002. As of 2014, the Regional Cancer Centre has two departments housed in a new building, namely Radiotherapy and Medical Oncology. Advanced radiation treatment facilities, ranging from 3D conformal radiation and IMRT to Image-guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) are available. Basic radiation facilities, such as 2D Cobalt and LINAC, HDR brachytherapy are available free to all cancer patients. Further, most of the commonly used high-cost chemotherapy drugs are also supplied free. Recently, Bone Marrow Transplantation is also being practised in this centre. RCC, JIPMER is the only hospital in southern India to provide free cancer treatment, as is also done for other advanced medical services, such as pulmonary medicine, nephrology, gastroenterology etc.

Some of the ongoing developments at JIPMER include: start of the work of its second superspeciality block (SSB-II).JIPMER International School of Public-health. JIPMER is partnering with other institutions, including Harvard School of Public Health, to exchange faculty, educational tools, research and data on public health. JIPMER's tie-up with the Harvard School of Public Health is part of the larger MoU between the American medical school and the Indian ministry of health and family welfare. JIPMER has also started the works of offsite hospital in Karaikal.

Contact Details:

Address:Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Jipmer Campus Rd, Gorimedu, Puducherry, 605006
Phone:0413-2296562 (24 Hrs) | 0413-2298283
E Mail ID:[email protected]

The counseling and examination for admission of students to Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) Post Graduate Medical Degree courses is done by INI CET (Institute of National Importance Combined Entrance Test) is a national-level examination conducted by AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences), Delhi. For admission into MD/MS/M.Ch.(6years)/DM(6years)/MDS.It is held twice a year in January and July month. Candidates through this exam are provided admission into PG courses – MD/ MS (6-year courses) DM/ M.Ch / MDS (3-year courses). Students who have qualified for this exam are eligible for admission into these courses in various AIIMS campuses JIPMER, Puducherry, NIMHANS, Bengaluru, PGIMER, Chandigarh. Candidates can check complete details of INI CET PG 2021 for exam dates, result and various other events in All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi Examination Section ( www.aiimsexams.ac.in )

Note: The Admission Process is written as per the ordinance of the official Counselling Agency.


Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research,

Jipmer Campus Rd, Gorimedu, Puducherry

Puducherry, Puducherry -

phone: 0413-2298283, 0413-2298288, 0413-2912111

email: [email protected]

website: https://www.jipmer.edu.in/


Note: The apply-now form facilitates students (from pan India- rural, urban, and distant corners) to apply to various colleges, automatically forwarding their details to the respective institutions via email. ICCC is not liable for any responses from the colleges.

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