SBKS Med. Inst. and Res. Centre, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth

Deemed Est. 2002Vadodara, Gujarat

Smt. B. K. Shah Medical Institute & Research Centre, is a constituent college of Sumandeep Vidyapeeth accredited NAAC ‘A’ Grade and conferred with UGC category -I status. At the time of inception i.e, in 2002 the college was affiliated to Gujarat University. On 17th January 2007 Deemed University status was awarded to the University U/S 3 of UGC act of 1956. After that Smt. B. K. Shah Medical Institute & Research Centre is one of the constituent of Sumandeep Vidyapeeth. The College is recognized by National Medical Commission (NMC), India. It has an annual intake of 150 seats in MBBS, 137 seats in 20 disciplines of Postgraduate studies and 5 seats in 5 disciplines of Super-Specialization studies.

The Medical College campus is spread over 65 acres with state of the art modern infrastructure with four storeyed building. There are very good spacious 6 gallery (air-conditioned) type technology infused lecture theatres in the college and 1 in the hospital each one with the seating capacity of 300. In addition, One gallery type centrally air-conditioned lecture theatre having seating capacity 650 persons and fully equipped with audiovisual facilities is also available. The Pre and Para Clinical departments has 4 demonstration rooms ( total 32) with seating capacity of 60-75 students in each. These are used for small group teaching, tutorials, demonstrations etc. There are separate common rooms for boys and girls and an Examination hall which has a seating capacity of 1250. The Institute is fully equipped with clinical Laboratories, Departmental Museums and a gallery type Central air-conditioned Auditorium having a seating capacity of 500 persons with Audio-Visual facilities. Library and information center is located in a huge area with good collection of Medical Books of over 21818. Indian & Foreign Journals with separate reading space for students & Teaching Staff and a Digital Library. There are separate departmental libraries as well. Separate hostels are available with capacity to accommodate undergraduate students (400 for boys and 594 girls to accommodate). In addition hostels for postgraduate students are available with 468 accommodation capacity and Flat type accommodation for 125 teachers in Residential quarters. A play ground for games like football, volley ball, cricket etc is available with necessary equipments and paraphernalia. Indoor games like table tennis, carom, chess etc are available in hostels and student common room. A fully equipped gymnasium is also available.

The Attached Hospital

Dhiraj hospital was established in year 2002 and at present has developed into 1065 bedded tertiary care teaching hospital with state of art facilities. It has 24X7 emergency and trauma care facility, Eye bank and blood bank facilities are available. There are very good latest technology induced clinical and diagnostic facilities like CT scan, MRI Scan, Ultrasound, and Digital X-rays. The institute has fully equipped modern 19 Operation Theatres, where major and minor surgeries are performed using the latest equipment and technology. The hospital has fully equipped Main ICU at 2nd floor, to provide ICU care. There are specialty ICUs/Centers: – 28 Beds ICU and ICCU, 6 Bed Pediatric ICU, 12 Bed Neonatal ICU, 6 Bed SICU, 2 Bed Obs. ICU, 4 Bed Respiratory ICU. 6 Bed Neuro ICU , 4 Bed Uro ICU. There is a well established Radiotherapy Department with therapeutic services to both outpatients and indoor cancer patients. The Hospital has facilities for burn treatment, Critical care services, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy. The Hospital's general specialities include General Medicine, General Surgery, OBG, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Radiodiagnosis, ENT, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesiology, Pathology, Microbiology, Biochemistry & Forensic Medicine. Super-Speciality departments include: Cardiology, Pediatric Surgery, Gastroenterology, Plastic Surgery, Urology, Facio Maxillary & Dialysis.

Number of Seats in Post-Graduation and Super-Specialization
Radio-Diagnosis13Ophthalmology7PSM7Physiology3Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery1
Obstetrics & Gynaecology12ENT5Forensic Medicine1Anatomy5Cardio Vascular and thoracic Surgery1
Psychiatry3Orthopaedics12Pathology12Bio-Chemistry2Neuro Surgery1
General Medicine25General Surgery10Pharmacology9
Paediatrics12 Microbiology3 DM
Anaesthesiology15 Cardiology1
Pulmonary Medicine4 Neurology 1


AddressSmt.B.K.Shah Medical Institute & Research Centre & Dhiraj Hospital,AT & PO: Piparia, Waghodia Road, TA: Waghodia, Vadodara -391760
Phone:02668-245264, 245266, 245126,02668-245069, 245262
E-mail: [email protected]

Smt. B. K. Shah Medical Institute & Research Centre, NEETPGCounseling is conducted by MCC (Medical Counselling Committee)

MCC(Medical Counselling Committee) COUNSELING PROCESS:-

The MCC/DGHS conducts Counseling for allotment of Post Graduate (MD/MS/Diploma and MDS) seats to the NEETPG/MDS eligible and qualified candidates in participating Government Medical/Dental Colleges of the country under 50% All India Quota and 100% Central & Deemed University quota every year. All the candidates who have qualified for All India Quota seats on the basis of their rank in NEET PG /MDS conducted by NBE including candidates from Union Territory of J&K will be eligible. The role of MCC of DGHS is limited to allotment of seats to the participating candidates, as per their merit and choice, which starts only after receiving the list/data/Information of successful candidates from National Board of Examinations (NBE) i.e. the NEET (PG) examination conducting body

Candidates who fall under the category of NRI as per the directions/ orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the case (W.P. No. 689/2017- Consortium of Deemed Universities in Karnataka (CODEUNIK) & Anr. Vs. Union of India &Ors.) dated 22-08- 2017 are eligible for NRI Category seats. OCI/PIO/Foreign Nationals will be eligible for only NRI seats .The eligible Indian National Candidates wanting to get converted to sponsored NRI category have to submit the documents as and when the same are called for by the MCC.

Seat Matrix:-

Management(%) NRI(%)

Eligibility Condition:

  • The candidate should have qualified under NEET-PG eligibility.
  • Domicile-free Counseling (Open to all)

Step Wise Counseling Process conducted by MCC

There are multiple rounds of counselling i.e. Round 1, Round 2, Round 3 & Stray Vacancy Round. ALL four rounds of AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB, are conducted by MCC through ONLINE ONLY i.e., Round 1, Round 2 , Round 3, and Stray Vacancy round. In the YEAR 2022–23 (Round 3) was called the Mop-Up round, where there was no sliding (upgradation) from the 2nd round to the mop-up round, but in 2023–2024, there was an upgradation from ROUND 2 to Round 3. In 2023-2024 Stray Vacancy Round was ONLINE, but in 2022-23 Stray Vacancy Round is conducted physically by the Deemed Universities for which the list of registered & eligible Candidates is forwarded by MCC to the respective Deemed Universities. The allotment shall only be in terms of merit. As per the directions issued by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in SLA(C) No. 10487 of 2021, the AIQ scheme has been modified and 04 rounds of AIQ counselling will be conducted by MCC of DGHS, MoHFW. Hence, 3rd round (earlier mop-up round) and fourth round i.e. stray vacancy round will be conducted in AIQ from 2021-22 onwards.

RoundsTypes of Counselling
Round 1- (By MCC)AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB
Round 2- (By MCC)AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB
Round 3- (By MCC)AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB
Stray Vacancy Round- - By MCC for AIQ, Central University/Institutes , DNBAIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB
Special Stray Vacancy Round -Online - By respective Deemed UniversityAIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB

First Round:- (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-AIQ, Deemed, CU, DU, Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix display
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download the allotment letter
  • Options for an allotted candidate
  1. “Satisfied with the allotted seat and candidate is willing to report to the allotted college, not interested in further allotment of seats in any subsequent round for any discipline”.
  2. The candidate is satisfied with the allotted seat but wishes to participate in the next round. Such candidates should pay the prescribed fees
  3. The candidate is not satisfied with the present allotment and wishes to participate in the next round of counselling. The previously allotted seat is forfeited and offered to the next eligible candidate
  4. Not satisfied with MCC allotted seat and candidate has got seat elsewhere, so candidate is quitting and not to be considered for allotment of seats in any of the further rounds

2nd Round :- (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB)

Fresh Registration for Mop-up Round (not required for earlier resigned candidates)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-AIQ, Deemed, CU, DU, Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix display
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download the allotment letter
  • If Allotted (No Free Exit) (Exit With Forfeiture of Fees )( Upgradation is available For Round 3 only.)
  • Reporting at the Medical Institutions/university against 2nd Round (candidates once joined the allotted seat against 2nd Round are not allowed to vacate the seat)

3rd Round :- (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes, DNB)
Fresh Registration for Mop-up Round (not required for earlier resigned candidates)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-Deemed, CU, DU, Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download allotment letter
  • If Allotted (No Free Exit)(Exit With Forfeiture Of Fees )
  • Reporting To The College

Stray vacancy: (AIQ, Central University/Institutes, DNB)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-Deemed, CU, DU, Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download allotment letter
  • If Allotted (No Free Exit)(Exit With Forfeiture Of Fees )
  • Reporting To The College

Special Stray vacancies:- (DEEMED)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-Deemed, CU, DU, Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download allotment letter
  • If Allotted (No Free Exit)(Exit With Forfeiture Of Fees )
  • Reporting To The College

Allotment PDF LINKS for the year PG 2023-24 Counselling :

All India Quota Seats Matrix (MD/MS/DIPLOMA) click
Deemed Uni. Seats Matrix (MD/MS/DIPLOMA) click
First Round Allotmentclick
Second Round Allotmentclick
Third Round Allotmentclick
Stray Vacancy Allotmentclick
Special Stray Vacancy Allotmentclick

SEAT MATRIX 2022-23 :-

Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Anaesthesiology87015
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Biochemistry1102
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Community Medicine4307
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Dermatology, Venerology & Leprosy2215
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) General Medicine128525
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Microbiology1203
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Paediatrics54312
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Pathology66012
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)Pharmacology2204
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Physiology1203
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Psychiatry1113
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Radio Diagnosis / Radiology55313
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases2114
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Anatomy2305
Master of Surgery (M.S.) General Surgery44210
Master of Surgery (M.S.) Obstetrics & Gynecology54312
Master of Surgery (M.S.) Ophthalmology3317
Master of Surgery (M.S.) Orthopaedics54312
Master of Surgery (M.S.) ENT3205

CUT OFF 2022-23 :- MCC (Medical Counselling Committee) 2022-23

CourseNo of Seat R1R2Mop up Round
M.D. PAEDIATRICS5+4(JM)29854 39989(JM)36939 52635(JM)25479 60751(JM)
M.D. GENERAL MEDICINE12+8(JM)22327 39989(JM)22129 31452(JM)-
M.D. RADIO-DIAGNOSIS5+5(JM)15530 25943(JM)195229566
M.D. DERMATOLOGY (DVL)2+2(J M)18701 26453(JM)21965 26747(JM)33276
M.S. GENERAL SURGERY4+4(JM)35958 51863(JM)73212 (JM)-
M.S. ENT3+2(JM)42885 88385(JM)4944355083
M.S. ORTHOPAEDICS5+4(JM)33707 59305(JM)47582 76005(JM)42362 83861(JM)
M.D. ANAESTHESIOLOGY8+7(JM)42720 75175 (JM)38424 83861(JM)113771
M.D. PSYCHIATRY 1+1(JM)307413485563450
M.S. OBG 5+4(JM)231183329533104
M.S. OPHTHALMOLOGY3+3(JM)38639 82334(JM)47381 82924(JM)-
Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2022 Round 1 CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2022 Round 2 CLICK HERE
Provisional NEET-PG Counselling Seats Allotment -2022 MOP UP Round CLICK HERE

NRI CUT OFF 2022-23

M.D. (DERM.,VENE. and LEPROSY)78963
M.D. (Obst. and Gynae)85334
M.D. (Tuberculosis and Respiratory diseases)85720
M.D. (Obst. and Gynae)87202
2nd Round
M.D. (Obst. and Gynae)84481
Mop Up Round
M.D. (Tuberculosis and Respiratory
M.D. (Obst. and Gynae)115935

Note: The Admission Process is written as per the ordinance of the official Counselling Agency.


Fees Structure for Medical PG Programs for Academic Year 2022-23

AnaesthesiologyRs. 20,50,000/-56,000$Rs. 25,000/-No Service Bond
Dermatology, Venerology & LeprosyRs. 35,00,000/-82,000$Rs. 25,000/-No Service Bond
General MedicineRs. 31,00,000/-75,500$Rs. 25,000/-No Service Bond
PaediatricsRs. 28,50,000/-67,000$Rs. 25,000/-No Service Bond
PathologyRs. 15,00,000/-36,580$Rs. 25,000/-No Service Bond
PsychiatryRs. 20,00,000/-55,440$Rs. 25,000/-No Service Bond
Radio Diagnosis / RadiologyRs. 35,00,000/-85,000$Rs. 25,000/-No Service Bond
Tuberculosis & Respiratory DiseasesRs. 27,00,000/-65,000$Rs. 25,000/-No Service Bond
General SurgeryRs. 26,50,000/-67,000$Rs. 25,000/-No Service Bond
Obstetrics & GynecologyRs. 31,50,000/-75,500$Rs. 25,000/-No Service Bond
OphthalmologyRs. 31,00,000/-75,500$Rs. 25,000/-No Service Bond
OrthopaedicsRs. 33,00,000/-81,000$Rs. 25,000/-No Service Bond
ENTRs. 22,00,000/-55,440$Rs. 25,000/-No Service Bond

Fees structure for Medical Post-graduate Programs with Institutional Scholarship

Pharmacology / MicrobiologyRs. 7,50,000/-Rs. 4,50,000/-Rs 3,00,000/-Rs. 25,000/-1 Years
Community MedicineRs. 9,00,000/-Rs. 6,00,000/-Rs 3,00,000/-Rs. 25,000/-1 Years
Anatomy / Physiology / BiochemistryRs. 6,50,000/-Rs. 6,50,000/-ZeroRs. 25,000/-2 Years

Stipend for Medical PG Students for Academic Year 2022-23

First Year of Residency84,000
Second Year of Residency85,400
Third Year of Residency87,500

Note: The Fee Structure is as per the Notification of the official Counselling Agency, Please visit the official website in subject to any changes.


Sumandeep Vidhyapeeth, Vadodara, Gujarat

Vadodara, Gujarat - 391760

phone: 02668-245264, 245266, 245126,02668-245069

email: [email protected]



Note: The apply-now form facilitates students (from pan India- rural, urban, and distant corners) to apply to various colleges, automatically forwarding their details to the respective institutions via email. ICCC is not liable for any responses from the colleges.

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