Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences

Private University Est. 2006Dehradun, Uttarakhand

TheShri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences (SGRRIM&HS) Dehradun, is a deemed Medical college run by a Society and was established in the Year 2006. The college is recognized by Govt. of India and the National Medical Commission (NMC) and is affiliated to Shri Gururam Rai University. It has an annual intake of 150 seats in MBBS, 96 seats in 20 disciplines of Postgraduate studies and 1 seat in 1 discipline of Super-Specialization studies.

Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences is spread over spacious 30-acre land of serene surroundings, is an ideal atmosphere for the best medical education. Lecture theatres, laboratories, museums, molecular research laboratory and dissection halls are all fitted with modern equipment to facilitate learning in students. The Institute provides a very congenial environment for academic activities with 5 lecture theatres (Three lecture halls are with a seating capacity of 180 each and one with 350 & 200 seating capacity) well equipped with all modern audio-visual amenities. The college has a large Auditorium of 750 Seats, Two examination halls with a seating capacity of 250 each.

The SGRRIMHS has a Centralized A.C. Central Library, which supports the teaching and extension programs of the college. The Central Library is Fully Automated using " SOUL" (Software for university library under command of INFLIBNET Centre Ahmedabad )as a Library Software and well equipped with modern facilities and resources in the form of books, journals, the back volume of journals, WHO publications, CD ROMs and internet services.

SGRRIMHS has well-furnished hostel accommodation to accommodate 500 students separately for boys and girls. The College is endowed with a modern gymnasium, swimming pool, a huge parking facility (available to both students and faculty), sports complex (badminton courts, table tennis, lawn tennis court ), Basketball ground and Football, Hockey playground.

The Attached Hospital

Shri Mahant Indresh hospital is a 1500 bedded multi-specialty and super specialty hospital situated in the heart of the city nearly 2 km from both the railway station & bus terminal. The Hospital caters to about 3000 patients on a daily basis under the direct supervision & humane touch of the medical specialists. The staff of the hospital includes about 400+ doctors and 800+ paramedics. Clinical board’s general specialties viz. Medicine, Surgery, OBG, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, ENT, Ophthalmology, Pulmonology, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesiology and Radiology, and three paraclinical departments viz. Pathology, Microbiology, and Biochemistry are working in the Shri Mahant Indresh Hospital. Radiology Facilities of latest MRI, 3D CT scan, Digital X-Rays, utmost modern diagnostic equipment in a central reference laboratory, full-fledged ICU with a number of ventilators, dialysis unit, plastic & burn unit, neurology and urological units, medical retina unit with laser treatment and above all 24 hrs emergency & trauma units are available. The hospital also gives importance to academic activities by conducting CMEs and Conferences.

Number of Seats in Post-Graduation and Super-Specialization
Obstetrics & Gynaecology6ENT3Forensic Medicine2Anatomy2Neuro Surgery1
General Medicine11General Surgery10Pharmacology2
Paediatrics6 Microbiology3
Pulmonary Medicine2

Contact Details:

Address:Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences Patel Nagar, Dehradun-248001,Uttarakhand, India
Phone:+91-135–6672698 (Office) +91-135–2522108/116
Email: [email protected]
Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital

NEET P.G. Uttarakhand State Centralised Counselling

  • M.D/M.S/M.D.S. Courses in Government/Private Medical/Dental Colleges/Private Universities of Uttarakhand against State quota seats.
  • M.D/M.S/M.D.S. Courses in Private Medical/Dental Colleges/Private Universities of Uttarakhand against All India-Management quota seats.
  • Fundamentals of Abdomino- Pelvic Ultrasonography (FAPUS)—Level I for MBBS Doctors- 06 months course.

Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Uttarakhand Medical Education University Uttarakhand conducts the combined (Government and Private) admissions for Uttarakhand PG medical. In order to participate in the admission process, it is necessary to fill the Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Uttarakhand Medical Education University Uttarakhand medical application form in the online mode

RoundFree ExitExit with forfeiture of feesIneligible for Further counselingAmount of registration fee
State Quota IYes
State Quota II If not If joined Government – Rs. 25,000 (half for SC/ST/OBC) Private – Rs. 2,00,000
State Quota Mop-up If joined
  • Free exit for 1st Round means if a candidate allotted a seat in 1st Round and even if candidate does not report/join the allotted college he would not be penalized and eligible for subsequent rounds.
  • Exit with forfeiture means if a candidate allotted a seat in 2nd round of counselling and does not want to join the allotted seat he can still exit with forfeiture (losing security amount deposited) and once candidate joined the allotted seat would not be eligible for resigning/surrender of joined seat
  • Candidates who have been allotted seat in round I of counseling can opt for seat up gradation in round II of counseling only.
  • If a candidate has upgraded in the round II the seat allotted in round I gets automatically cancelled and allotted to next eligible candidate in merit. Candidates are advised to select choices carefully.
  • Candidates have to fill new/fresh choices in each round of counseling to become eligible for seat allotment in that particular round.
  • Candidate can give as many choices as he/she wishes during online choice filling. However choices should be in order of candidate’s preference & eligibility.
  • Candidates are advised to select the choices very carefully. If candidate is not interested in any specific Quota/College/Course, it is advised not to opt for that specific Quota/College/Course seat in choice filling process as allotment once done will not be altered. University/ Counselling Board will not be responsible for any mistake done at the part of the candidate.
  • Candidate has to fill up the fresh choices/quota for each subsequent rounds of counselling separately irrespective of previous choices/quota.
  • No Candidate will be permitted to vacate his/her admitted /joined seat in second and further round of counseling.


Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Uttarakhand Medical Education University Uttarakhand is conducting three rounds of Counseling for NEET PG



  • Uttarakhand state merit, NEET-PG
  • College wise & category wise distribution of P.G. seats
  • On-line Admission Process for allotted candidates
  • Reporting
  • List of registered candidates for online counseling.( Online counselling registration Fee is Rs. 4000/- (will be valid only for two round (I & II ) of counselling for all categories.)
  • Choice filling

ROUND -2 (Online)

  • Notice-2nd round of counseling, PG courses
  • Latest vacancy position of PG seats in medical colleges
  • Fresh Registration (who have not done in Round 1)
  • Choice filling
  • Allotment of seat
  • Provisional list of selected candidates for NEET PG-counseling in the state of UP after Round-2
  • Reporting

MOP-UP ROUND (Offline)

  • Notice-Mop-Up round of counseling for PG courses
  • Latest vacancy position of PG seats in Medical colleges
  • Fresh Registration for the one not registered in Round 1 & 2
  • Mop-up counseling for seat allotment / admission will be held offline

Details of Postgraduate (MD/MS) Seats


Total No of Seats Approved by MCI

Seats Distribution in State QuotaSeats Distribution in All India Manag. Quota
Total Seats for State QuotaDistribution Under Recognized / PermittedTotal Seats for AIMQDistribution Under Recognized / Permitted
Community Medicine6301 Recognized &02 Permitted301 Recognized &02 Permitted
Pathology9402 Recognized & 02 Permitted502 Recognized & 03 Permitted
Anesthesia8402 Recognized & 02 Permitted401 Recognized & 03 Permitted
E.N.T3101 Permitted201 Recognied & 01 Permitted
Psychiatry3101 Recognied202 permitted
General Surgery10502 recognized & 03 Permitted502 Reconized & 03 Permitted
Ophthalmology4201 Recognized & 01 Permitted201 Recognized & 01 Permitted
DVL3201 Recognized & 01 Permitted1Permitted
Genral Medicine11603 Rrecognized &03 Permitted503 Rrecognized &02 Permitted
Pediatrics6301 Recognized and 02 Permitted301 Recognized and 02 Permitted
Radiodiagnosis5302 Recognized & 01 Permitted201 Recognized & 01 Permitted
Orthopedics7401 Recognized and 03 Permitted301 Recognized & 02 Permitted
Total9447 47

List of Documents to be brought to Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Scienceswhile reporting for PG Medical Admission 2020-21 (Original along with 02 sets of self attested photocopies)

S. No.Documents
1.Original Allotment letter from appropriate authority
2.Admit Cardof NEET (PG) -2019
3.Score Card/Result of NEET (PG)- 2019
4.High school/Higher secondary certificate for Date of Birth
5.Mark sheet of the MBBS examination (All Professional)
6.Internship completion certificate
7.Recent character certificate
8.MBBS Provisional Pass Certificate
9.MBBS Provisional Degree
10.MBBS DegreeCertificate
11.Valid Permanent Registration Certificate from Uttarakhand Medical Council
12.Valid Permanent Registration Certificate from MCI/Sate Medical Council
13.Migration Certificate
14.Domicile/Permanent Resident of Uttarakhand Certificate (If Applicable)
15.Caste Certificate (If Applicable)
16.Ten recentcolored passport sizephotographs
17.Affidavit against ragging from the CANDIDATE
18.Affidavit againstragging from the PARENTS
19.Aadhar Card
20.PAN Card

Note: The Admission Process is written as per the ordinance of the official Counselling Agency.



Fee structurefor MD/MS courses 2020-21

ParticularsUttarakhand Quota Students Fee (in Lakhs)All India Quota Students Fee (in Lakhs)
Tuition Fee1,441,0001,947,000
Admission Fee (OneTime)100,000100,000
Security Refundable800,000800,000
University Enrolment Fee10,00010,000
Examination Fee50,00050,000
Research/Computer/Skill Lab.100,000100,000
Hostel Fee 240,000 240,000
Mess Fee 205,000 205,000
Convacation Charges (One Time) 10,000 10,000
Vaccination Charges (One Time) 5,000 5,000
Grand Total 2,961,000 3,467,000

For PG - Pathology
ParticularsUttarakhand Quota Students Fee (in Lakhs)All India Quota Students Fee (in Lakhs)
Tuition Fee 1,066,000 1,433,000
Admission Fee(One Time) 100,000 100,000
Security Refundable 400,000 400,000
UniversityEnrolment Fee 10,000 10,000
ExaminationFee 50,000 50,000
Research/Computer/Skill Lab. 100,000 100,000
Hostel Fee240,000240,000
Mess Fee 205,000 205,000
Convacation Charges (One Time) 10,000 10,000
Vaccination Charges (One Time) 5,000 5,000
Grand Total2,186,0002,553,000

For PG - Non Clinical


Microbiology & Community MedicineAnatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry & Pharmacology
Tuition Fee500,000400,000
Admission Fee (OneTime) 100,000 100,000
Security Refundable 200,000 200,000
University Enrolment Fee 10,000 10,000
examination fees 50,000 50,000
Research/Computer/Skill Lab. 100,000 100,000
Hostel Fee 240,000 240,000
Mess Fee 205,000 205,000
Convacation Charges (One Time) 10,000 10,000
Vaccination Charges (One Time) 5,000 5,000
Grand Total1,420,0001,320,000

**Note: Hostel& Mess with progressive increaseof 10% every year.

Stipend @ Rs. 59065/- per month (Rs. 7,08,780/- per annum) is being paid to PG students in Clinical /non clinical subjects

Note: The Fee Structure is as per the Notification of the official Counselling Agency, Please visit the official website in subject to any changes.


Dehrakhas, Patel Nagar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Dehradun, Uttarakhand - 248001

phone: 91-135–6672698 /135–2522108/116

email: [email protected]



Note: The apply-now form facilitates students (from pan India- rural, urban, and distant corners) to apply to various colleges, automatically forwarding their details to the respective institutions via email. ICCC is not liable for any responses from the colleges.

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